Whoops, you almost killed the thread with, I think, a very good question.... Shall I have a go at killing it?
After this....
Probably I'm typing away again and when I finally am ready to drop the post I'm too late. Again.
I like the idea of a goddess named 'Gaea'. The goddess of the Earth (and nature). Gaea or Gaia is an old Greek myth (?) and I cherish her as my personal belief. Mother Earth; for me she stands for this Earth. As a symbol. And she *slaps hand hard on table, demanding like* deserves far more respect than she gets nowadays. In a way no more stupid a creature than mankind ruining....
Argg, I feel like a fool yelling in a deserted desert.
Do you sometimes feel this way, on other topics maybe, too? You think you have a point, strong and good but nobody seems to listen. They're like; duuuuuuh, I don't like to think. Status Quo. I mean in day to day real life.