kraftiekortie wrote:
You can send him a combination of your edgiest things and your more “literary” things.
In the end I just submitted it. He's seen my other things and he was asking for something which 'felt like it has the need to be written' or something like that which seemed to call for something a bit edgier. It's just it always feels more vulnerable to get that stuff published and it almost always is the stuff people actually publish, of mine anyway. Maybe I put more time into it before I submit it?
Why can’t people just be upset that something beautiful got destroyed?
Trump always wants to make the biggest gesture
Most old surviving buildings are probably either religious or represent religions which used to exist and don’t anymore, like the Pyramids
Scousers on soaps are always thugs. It’s an overworked stereotype
People will think my parents brainwashed me into hating my father but they were the reason I was nice to him so long
People shouldn’t assume their politics is forever
I’m scared the guy will publish something I’ve written specifically because it’s edgy. Or the opposite, won't. I want it judged on its quality. He comes from similar stock to dad but acts posh and easily offended and it comes across as fake
I actually like the taste of throat spray...