I had one of the maddest dreams last night X)
I was floating in mid-air whilst moving down the road, and I realised I was dreaming. So I got myself into more of a "Flying" position, but it didn't stay for long and I landed on the ground. I ran and jumped to try and fly again but it didn't work. I figured that as long as I knew it was a dream, and a lucid dream, then I could do whatever I wanted. So I tried to control it a bit, I decided that instead of going to Nanna's house, I'd go to the shops, and instead of going to the shops, I would go down one of the nearby roads and see the houses there. So I found a nearby road and it took me to a place I didn't recognise. I went into a random building and it was someone's house that was rather messy. there was this little blonde girl there who was watching TV. I decided to leave the house by going through a door in it to another house, so I tried to go up the stairs, but it was crossed with a ladder and I got stuck. I triedto get myself out, but the girl was talking to me, It sounded as if she went to the youth club from what she said, but before I got the chance to say anymore, I heard my stepdad being cross at me for talking. I said "I'm dreaming. Am I talking in real life?" To which he and Mum replied, "Yes." I don't know if I really did talk in my sleep or not, but I tried to keep it quiet. The girl did look a bit like my sister. Suddenly, I was in what looked like my room, but it didn't look quite right. I could hear my brother and sister talking to each other. I found some stairs in my room and went up them, through a few other rooms, which were now light, and into what looked like the college library. It was at that point that I forgot I was dreaming, but I didn't think it was real either. Lots of people in there were hiding and jumping out to scare people. I found 2 of my college friends hiding on one of the sofas, then another one on the opposite one, but they looked like one I'd already found at first with different coloured hair until I realised who it was. Only her face didn't look quite right. And then I went around, trying to find people who were hiding before they jumped out at me. Eventually, the scaring people stopped, and it just turned into a hiding game. I poked at places where I thought people were hiding, and opened any doors. I went through to the next room, which was not part of my college. I was some posh-looking hall. I looked all around there, and found only a few more people. Then I found another door, and went through it into a round room. I found someone behind one og hte hanging curtains on the wall, and then went across the room to the other curtains, but some other people ahd already found the person behind there. I then found a door into yet ANOTHER room, so I went in there, and saw some rather bulgy-looking curtains. As I went up to them, I said, "Now there's certainly someone behind these curtains," whist poking at them, and one of my college friends, who I'd actually been looking for in case they were hiding, came out from there. As I went to look at the other curtains, they asked me if I'd been hiding, and I said, "No, I just came in and everyone was playing this hiding game so I joined in." Then they said they needed to go to the toilet, and said "Congratulations," before going. Then some girls I didn't know crowded round me and smiled. I said "On what? Is this some grade I don't know about?" butthey said nothing. One of the girls was small and had only a few hairs on her head, as if she'd had treatment for cancer at some point. Then I found yet ANOTHER room, and went in it. It looked like part of my college again, a computer room. I looked uner tables and in cupboards, but the door I found lead to a room with lots of beds in it. Of course, it wasn't hard to find one person in there who I didn't recognise, but the other people that had followed me found another. I turned to leave after that to go to the rooms I missed, but I didn't get to.