reality bots said i was insecure so they seemed to await me for another day while excepting thogh id show them something in the future 2:10 am nov 8/2010 that free casinos sports would garantee everything in my home so they did jsp etc etc forced us to garantee things my karma stuff to react in such a manner to not believe jerry that he protecte him karma stuff over and obove the call of duty. its reflecting on us right know as we see it doing. we reality bots had no idea of the caos on the internet it was candy in a candy jar visiting jerrys data base they did say though EXPAND seems we did but wow at what cost so we call for martial law reality bots outside of bc at war with the rest of us so as to flex our mustcles and allow gaing faith process of guaranting things peace appoliagies to everyone. Free casinos sports wee makin guarantees on my karma things wow unearthly to g. they say on above time they keep all their guarantees as secret message they are forced to by jsp well pentagon a few days ago had my passward paycheck ha was backed off gov was pawned i guess skipping my levels pentagon was hdin we want to develope 6 billion homes that way mabby to off center computers matrix and stuff is arriving from space every third philosophical pipe was observed at my place i was asked a favor to intregrate it and they did so i entragrated little blame the matrix both in reality and the internet and material things from my home air port in ladysmith needs help tryed to take claim material on earth are reaching around 3300 stretching with rationality and normalness slightly this is causing material things to be aware which in turn will want idols aliens suggest to the holy spirit in the cloads that to many computers are on earth aliens convince some future to have the matrix inside worlds and they start depleating hells angels measured the future with athiest measurement gov sponcered it it failed on gov supplying limits :115 am may 3/2010 starting know aliens in existence needed life to continue the holy temples were crushing all that was good was turning bad they saw hope in earth to be the savior of existence and time itself my guess every big bang box aliens choose a savior planet perhaps a couple times perhaps i was my ansesters were preparing since midevil day and im always shown direction i believe my cloans progress other planets as we speak mabby even im 5th cloan i talk so much garbage on the internet PISS SOME IMPORTANT PEOPLE OFF but im rightious i dont stand for intimidation but in respect to the powers that be i must be a cloan im dead serious how do we know you didnt set that up? they did i braught bull frogs rule book to diablo the gov promised mana for computers were saved many times in duel games so much so every gov agency on the planet is going to turn ha cos kk viruses in there computers into mana
If Jesus died for my sins, then I should sin as much as possible, so he didn't die for nothing.