blazingstar wrote:
I had a big aspie experience yesterday, while working. Difficult to explain, but...even though I said nothing...the other person kept say, "You look frustrated" and she said it at least three times and got in my face about it while I was trying to get some information. Then she said "how long have you been working at this job," and I told her about 20 years. She said "then you should know how to do this." I so do not know a good way to handle this. Basically, I blink my eyes slowly a few times, look at her straight on, say nothing. I went in and talked to the client so he would know what was going on and I left. I have no idea why this person was in my face about a very complex issue that few people know the process of. I can't even write a decent English sentence about it.
I'm sorry this happened blazingstar. You're a competent professional and we all have moments of shutdown. It sounds like you handled the situation responsibly. I hope you have a better day today.
What's on my mind?I'm loving the rain but also wishing it would stop. I'd like to go boating again.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.