Danusaurus wrote:
cecilfienkelstien wrote:
Lunchtime in half an hour
Just happy I'm alive, in hospital for overdose on antidepressants. Horrible way to die.
Now it appears I maybe be suffering from serotonin syndrome.. took a whole box of 30 Hester at 12 pm, was violently ill and now 10.12am the next morning and I feeel almost no better than the day before. Plus appears I may potentially be suffering from a condition called long qt.. heart is irregular beating and likely caused by my self rage. It hopefully it's just minor tachycardia.
Sorry to hear your having a tough time. I hope you feel better soon.
I don't know, but reading this book may help.
Some people also get a lot of peace of mind from their faith. Whether Buddhist, Christian, Muslim, etc.
In my experience, these paths only really help if you have a strong faith in one of these religious belief systems.
Otherwise, try and count your blessings every day if you can, perhaps before going to bed.
I would say that prayer can also be very positive in changing your outlook on life, talking to God / Buddha / The universe is something that i think is very healing, its like your own therapy.
Even if you don't believe in God, what do you have to lose? If God doesn't exist, then think of it as talking through your problems with yourself. Can really help you get things straight in your head.
Think about not drinking alcohol for some time, to nurse yourself back to a happier state.
Get hugs if you like hugs. Spend time with people you like.
Think of filling your time with an activity that you enjoy.
If you don't have hobbies or interests of your own, perhaps consider helping out at a local charity
that helps people in some way, as being kind to others can make you happy too! But take it in your own pace.
I hope this advice helps, and i hope i have not written anything that causes you any further distress.
I hope you feel better soon.
Perhaps consider taking a fresh look at the world around you. The beauty of this world we live in is everywhere, from the sky above us, the sun beating down on us, the rain, the colours of nature, the sweet smells of flowers, the delicious foods that we devour, the sound of music. Beauty, some man made but the rest given to us on a plate.
Take some time to look at the beauty, as well as many of the beautiful people that live in it (they are there, just need to look a little).
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
― Albert Einstein