cathylynn seems nice
Raleigh has great taste in music
The moderators haven't killed me yet so thanks guys
Oh and the pokemon crew are ok
Canadians are alright so long as they ignore me and don't hate me, you know who you are, the less you think about me the better in my mind, sorry I am an idiot. You know Green Day had it right.
TheAP wrote:
dcj123 has a tough time of things, but has a good heart.
Funny you point that out today when I have been suicidal all day and will probably end up in jail for shoplifting that I didn't mean to do so yay I'll consider my heart of gold on the way to jail, I am sure that will help. I am having a lot of anxiety about going to jail again actually and that sucks.
cathylynn wrote:
dcj... terrific computer knowledge...
I don't know anything really, I just play with wires until it works and probably do more damage then not.