strangest dream yet- i dreamt i was in a 3 story building atop a hill in a city that was indeterminate but had a strong flavor of san francisco or vancouver BC. i went there with a head shrinker i saw several decades back, he regressed in age to his late 40s and had blondish hair a bit like general custer. we walked up 3 stories and reached some boutique with fancy things in it, and at the rear was a non-descript suite of offices, a bit run-down. i entered, it was poorly lit, with the light mostly coming from a few curtained clerestory windows and from the doc's offices/records room to the left. it was fairly crowded with waiting patients as it was an ayurvedic medical clinic. i spoke with the receptionist who sent me back to one of the offices next to the records room. there i waited in another waiting room. it was sunny and yellow in that room with large windows letting in much light. one of the other patients asked me some questions about myself which i cheerfully answered but it turned out that this patient was really one of the doctors who sat in the waiting room pretending to be a friendly fellow patient in order to get more realistic information from the real patients figuring they'd be more honest. [???] meanwhile i was feeling rotten in the dream, with stuffy sinuses and much fatigue and nausea. my shrink, his name was theodore sterling, he reached around me and put me in a bear hug, and squeezed me so hard that something snapped in my back and then all of a sudden i felt GREAT! like i was so healthy! he told me i owed him $150 dollars for that, and i told him i'd take us to a cash machine to withdraw the payment, and he told me he was recently divorced and had no place to live. i gave him some comforting words and then one of the clerks in the medical office called me to his desk and showed me the prescription i was to take to the dispensary, it was basically recommendations for diet and posture control, and this book written by one "clarence sweetmore treat" who, with a start, i realized was myself! the clerk, surprised as me, said "you were prescribed to read a book you wrote!" they thought i didn't have any insurance so they were gonna charge me $40 as a poverty fee, so i whipped out my wallet to pay and out fell my insurance cards so they took them and charged my insurance $120. so i took my prescription list and headed to the stairs to meet again with dr. sterling, who was sitting down on a couch reading a magazine. i started slipping and sliding on the floor and together we looked down and noticed the floor was covered with gold dust and roundish gold balls of varying sizes coming from the air itself. some gold balls were as large as bowling balls and they were rolling everywhere and making a bit of a racket and mess. one rolled over to a miniature putt putt golf course inside the waiting area, another splashed into a small wading pool. people were looking down at the balls in wonderment and some laughed. at this point i got distracted and i walked into a sun room with glassed-in walls and ceiling, and i looked out and saw a late afternoon city scape, the sky was sunny and blue. then some employee walked in and put a video on the tv set there, and some nasty guy with a buzz saw voice in the video started singing some insipid song, and it was so awful i [and several other people] clamped hands upon ears and yelled "MAKE IT STOP!" while fleeing back into the main waiting room. then i awoke.