Read the doctor report at 5 am. Was going to try to sleep more but too fascinating s**t
"Guarded". Accurate. Paranoid
The statements are all correct but out of order and proportion
It says that I have one friend. What the flying f**k does that have to do with , doctor
Not interested in jack s**t
Symptom of depression
But maybe nothing is interesting
Nor should it be s**t
Idiots act like everything is so "exciting", "great", "interesting" .
Bell curve
Extrovert ass holes are like, adrenal fatigue
Introvert are like, obsessive compulsive disorder
Stomach stiff and sore
Appetite gone haywire
Brain surgery
Uber, Lyft
Counseling intern Julie Morris told me that I could veto counselors for being "mean" or "offensive", but you don't get $75 bucks for successfully refraining from being mean and offensive
You can't measure kindness
Anyone could correctly label anything as "mean" or "offensive"
Feel like gorging s**t
Out of control
Plenty of time someone fired me
Minimum wage
Nobody told me that I was "mean," or "offensive" s**t
They paid me 12 bucks an hour
Maybe I "helped" them 13 and everyone else "helped", them 20
It doesn't mean that I "hurt", them
Financially s**t
All this stupidass BS
Jamie Adair b***h had the nerve to tell me that "counseling can help"
That's like saying,
you can win the lottery
Correct but misleading
Or would you say, you can't win the lottery s**t
s**t b***h I have had 39 counselor
Judith Jones is 40
Counseling can "help", "hurt", both or neither
There are a lot of things that idiots say and do, frequently, that I find offensive
"Huh" and "what" instead of "excuse me"
Judgmental compliments
All compliments are judgmental
b*****s don't understand
"Cool" this and "sucks" that
Like profanity, small vocabulary
But eloquence is not the goal
And if windbags were to have said everything perfectly it's like,,,
Bagpipe concerto
Counselors motto is not "actions speak louder than words" or "loose lips sink ships" s**t.
Nor do they correctly say that, there are five emotions and happy is just one of them
Anger is not a felony
Sad is not a catastrophe
f**k mister redelings. Penis