AAA forklift left a message on phone Thursday. Paranoid it was Julie Morris from West county health. Health educator. Her profile says she finished Harvard medical school just last year or something. Her personality looks normal and functional . To me. Thus far. "Normal" could be a good or bad thing. Julie is a b***h. She wrote the wrong address on the appointment slip. When I pointed it out she crossed it off. When I gave the financial aid office my medical card, she correctly told me that it said a different address, and called that office to cancel the appointment. f**k Julie Morris b***h. s**t trembling. She didn't even admit she did something wrong.
Friday called AAA back and left message.
It has not called me back and it is Wednesday
f**k mister redelings
Skinny smart handsome cisgender neurotypical extrovert white man
"Do you like people?". As long as you currently "like" more than two people, "yes" is correct
Even though I hate ten thousand lil dipshits.
"Do you hate people?". "Yes" is also correct s**t
Not paradox, paranoid, mutually exclusive, logical fallacy
Ants and bedbugs itchy
Stopped eating on the carpet a couple of weeks ago
Vacuumed the carpet yesterday
But ants love earwax, bloody underpants, dandruff, scabs
Deep cleaning
Hire someone to deep clean
Just vacuuming is insufficient s**t
Flies are attracted to feces
f**k mister redelings
All I wanted was to be his friend
It should be illegal to say "what" instead of "excuse me". Discrimination against speech impediments
Itchy, Rolando Morales penis, carpet, period, polyester , food
No rash
Dry skin
Getting old
9:30 pm bed. 2:30 woke up. Lied in bed one hour. Can't sleep. Played with phone. Cod start the day off. Eat, journal, bowel movement. But it is still dark outside.
Sleep deprivation
Wish I joined the army
Rotary club
Thursday applied for a job at Bay area integrity mortgage
It emailed to ask if I could come for a job interview the next day
Told it when I could come for a job interview
Friday bay area integrity mortgage call me. It didn't leave a message. Ass hole.
But whatever
It is 3.3 miles from the Bart station
Pleasant Hill
Bus comes every 80 minutes
No hope for future
Want to commit suicide s**t