Credit card works
Sunny and perfect temperature
No period and not sick
Craving kit Kat gone haywire
Idiot had the nerve to tell me that I wasted 15 minutes in the bathroom
Penis needs his pants pulled down and tawse. Public. Entitled lil penis
That's all it took to ruin good mood from counseling
Felt like gorging
Bedazzled (1st time)
Wrote three page essay to counselor Judy Jones
f**k that b***h
Four weeks ago I emailed and asked if I could email questions and would she email the answers
The b***h answered she "would prefer" phone call
But get s**t in writing
No "huh" and "what"
Fe fi fo fum
"Beggars can't be choosers"
Monopolistic competition
f**k Judy Jones b***h
She's earning 75 hour and I ain't
So her preferences don't take priority
Library applied for jobs
Accounting, finance, office
Moot point
Black hole
Idiots only care about themselves
Which could be justified
Except that idiots have the nerve to tell me that "we care about you"
f**k Eran globen penis
f**k mister redelings penis
f**k Rolando Morales penis
Sim card doesn't work
Paranoid of getting stranded
kit kats, too. i'm relieved you found a good counselor.