Etchiverri told me that the psychiatrist said that the seizure risk for Wellbutrin was, just high dose and because bulimics have electrolyte imbalance
Surprised and happy that etchiverri wrote m an email Thursday
It's the concept
But just because I don't have a diagnosis for bulimia, thus far, does not mean that I am not bulimic
Emotional overeating
Maybe I will become bulimic later
Other things cause electrolyte imbalance, not just, bulimia
Looked up, symptoms of electrolyte imbalance
But they are the same symptoms for a lot of other conditions
Besides, maybe I have electrolyte imbalance
My electrolytes could be even worse than a bulimics
f**k Casey whitsett
Seizure threshold could be related to autistic meltdown
Sensory overload
Itchy as f**k
Just started itching in November s**t
Please cite the PubMed article
Idiots expect me to believe whatever they tell me
She told me that the psychiatrist said that
Over the phone
She could have misunderstood
One "miscommunication" away from seizure
Lower seizure threshold
Dipshits extroverts call 911
Dr finds out, seizure
Driver license revoked for "life"
There are some things you can hide from Dr
Seizures is not one of them
For example Dr asked if I attempted suicide
Answered no
Because the bullet stuck in barrel of gun
But unless she was there, or search warrant , fingerprint analysis, she has no way of knowing that I tried to commit suicide
But a seizure, and taking drugs, Drs know
Make you do drug test
if i were depressed, i'd ask for wellbutrin. my husband had seizures and drives. just needed to have seizures controlled for six months. a friend had a seizure on wellbutrin. the doc stopped the wellbutrin, wrote to the dmv that seizure was from wellbutrin which was stopped. the friend never lost his license at all.
all meds have side effects. ssri's, for example, can cause permanent sexual dysfunction.