I saw a video of a deliberately very poorly-made and hilarious game called Fruit Mystery. You play someone working at a zoo who is either very stupid or a psychopath, or both. It shows you photographs of animals floating by and you have to select fruits that look like they were very badly drawn with MS paint, and feed them to as many animals as possible during a time limit. Many of the animals are species that don't normally eat fruit, like snakes and lobsters and polar bears. And each time you feed them you get to read about the animal's reaction, shown in lots of really bad spelling and grammar and reading it out loud nearly made me die laughing. In one part the player gives lychees to a polar bear, but the bear doesn't like them and the player assumes he's a bit racist since lychees are from Asia. And then the time runs out and a guy names Zookeeper Steve shows up and yells at you for abusing the animals by hurting them or giving them food poisoning (shown comically, of course,) and then all the animals say they hate you.
I have to thank TV Tropes because I discovered this game after checking out their "Animals Hate Him" trope page. But I couldn't play the game myself. When I tried my Avast Free Antvirus wouldn't allow it.