TenMinutes wrote:
I used to attend local sci fi cons. I ran some events so I knew the organizers. For the last con I attended, one of the prominent people, someone I know well enough to have attended some of her non public events, but not exactly a close friend, was having health and financial problems, and there were benefit events at this con. I was there pretty much only to do one of those, and I contributed financially. Since I was doing the benefit thing, I had access to the con organizers and prominent guests. They were planning a dinner outing. I expressed interest in attending.
I was told, in voice, body language and facial expression, as if they were talking to a child, that there was not enough room to include me.
They were collecting food orders for people not going to dinner. We were pretty much snowed in, and I had eaten nothing but cookies all day, so getting dinner from someone willing to brave the snow was appealing. I expressed interest in having an order placed with everyone else's. They listened to what I wanted but they didn't take any money, so I didn't expect them to bring me food. And they didn't.
That was the last sci fi con I attended.
What a bunch of jackasses.