I don't remember the details of the play but you're right, it wasn't very complicated.
1. When I prepare for an exam I always put different bits of information in different spots of my brain. For example, I might stick "The Scottish play was written in 1606" behind my left ear. I will use spatial synaesthesia to remember where it is in my mind, so I can retrieve the fact. I also write my notes in various colours so I can retrieve them visually.
2. When I prepare for an exam I have to barricade myself in a tight small space. I was famous for sitting under furniture with bed sheets hanging down the sides. There was a perfect little snug under my desk and I fit in perfectly with my Grover muppet, who accompanied me to Uni.
3. When I prepare for an exam I have to shut out all the noise around me by listening to music on my headphones. I can remember which song goes with which bits of information. Even now the songs remind me of various mnemonics, etc.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.