You have to stop caring about what others think of you and what you MIGHT have done wrong by THEIR standards.
You have to trust what u did was for the best, as far as you knew in the moment.
You also have to remember u are human, and mistakes are allowed (IF u made any in those situations). Especially as the intention was always clear.
THEY didn't have good intentions. However since they have other things in order (organized mind, successful life, friends, etc), their bad stuff (criminal, really), is accepted / justified.
YOU have to forgive yourself for putting them on a 'pedestal' (elevating them beyond what they really were) and forgive yourself for being gullible and stupid.
Actually stop calling yourself stupid, when other, less hurtful words, will suffice. Because every time you beat yourself up, thinking it's accurate and correct, in your head-- others can sense it (somehow) and respond as if you are bad/offensive/wrong/worth bullying/taking advantage of/etc. I think NTs operate on these invisible senses instead of detaching that sense from the person/logic.
I can take the vibe, even be overwhelmed by my feeling, but still treat the person well and decently and give them the benefit of the doubt and respond in a reasonable way . They cannot, and assume I am like that too.
The world is way too confusing to figure out, but the sum of it is:
(unless u have a method + nerve to commit suicide right away---
in which case, the consequences and pain of the above, will only spur u on and be over then and there.)
DONT LOOK AT YOURSELF FROM THEIR EYES MORE THAN NECESSARY as it will only confuse you, be inaccurate (or not) but impossible to know for sure, impossible to confirm, and will keep u sinking in the quicksand
They are irrelevant to who you are THEY SHOULD BE IRRELEVANT to what YOU think of Yourself .
How u get through the day without agony: DONT TORTURE YOURSELF and cushion yourself with self-affirming thoughts (SINCE THATS WHAT THEY DO, and you live in THEIR world).
Apology, courtesy, caring, etc, has been overdone and yielded poison.
They live in a world of extreme borders, 'dog eat dog' , everyone scrounging for themselves* hence cliques tendency-- without a 'tribe' they are easy targets themselves for the 'ravenous dogs]\
their way makes no real humane sense. the other way makes more sense for humanity, but they are incapable of udnerstanding that, they are superiority-complexed and very dangerous at all times.
if someone is nice, they dont just appreciate it, and feel happy, and move on and pass it on to others (the logical thing to do)\\
Rather , they pervert the intention, and
see that as an 'easy target ' , a fool, or someoen weak trying to win their favour (which isnt even in your intentions!)
etc. And this impression lodges in their minds, for future reference (whenever they feel like letting out anger they turn to the fool)
Take defeat as an urge to greater effort.
-Napoleon Hill