shortfatbalduglyman wrote:
The penis has been ordering me around like a slave lately. Just because it has colon cancer
Everyone is going to drop dead, not just it
Maybe tomorrow a car will run me over
"You have a hard time dealing with reality", mister redelings penis had the nerve to tell me (correctly)
That's like telling me that "you don't do anything all day long except lie in bed", but I am paralyzed
His statement is correct
The implication is wrong
Trust versus mistrust
Going through the motions of "life"
And it wants me to wait on it all f*****g day long s**t
f**k you ass hole
Reminds me that I am 36 and accomplished nothing and not going to, either
Executive processing dysfunction
"Where's Waldo"
Nobody gives a rats ass about me s**t
They flap their trap and do their job (at best), and they act like they expect me to treat them like they dragged my worthless corpse out of a burning building
f**k mister redelings
Not even an email apology
Court Mandated financial reparations s**t
Statement correct, but implication is wrong, is a perfect way to put it.
Now I have a perfect 'comeback' to my brain when it tells me that the lawyer was right to say
,'you've accomplished nothing! what have you accomplished? nothing. in 4 years you will have accomplished nothing" - yes, what he said was correct, but implication was wrong.
Executive dysfunction is worse than social issues in my opinion (as it contributes to everything else, incl social) but people only harp about the social stuff including stupid shows like the Good Doctor.
Although i SUPPOSE there are plenty of ppl who dont have to deal with executive functioning problems to that extent, so maybe Good Doctor is accurate for such gifted people--but it's not the norm. Dumb show. pathetic way to get ratings . And the guy who acts as him I hated that actor always when he was a kid
as all he did was cry and it looked really fake and bad acting (pulling on heartstrings in a really insincere way, like Shah Rukh Khan)
now I don't mind him, but I do mind that they chose him to play the role.
You can tell he gets on just fine, you can just tell. In fact I bet he rarely if ever in his life, felt terrified/frazzled etc. IN FACT he graduated in LAW (UGH) and such people are almost always (except in v. rare cases duh) exceptionally smart and adept at assessing and succeeding in every social and executive functioning and every issue. Basically the actor is the opposite of ASD. He's calm, understands everything, organized brain, lifelong adeptness at such things = pure confidence, perceptive and calculating, etc.
Actor of Ron could do a good job in the Good Doctor instead, he knows how to be terrified and frazzled beneath the surface. Probably because he actually feels it often. The current actor in The Good Doctor (stupid title too) is incapable of feeling that way , he only understands it INTELLECTUALLY, not emotionally, as his brain saves him from feeling those things.
And Dr Tony Attwood said about Aspergers females, "they often come across as calmer than the boys, in a social situation, but I look at their eyes, and see pure terror." And that makes sense. Since terror is a good way of describing me + life, as it's too much.
On the other hand people like my youngest brother don't feel as much pure terror..
executive dysfunction, developmental disorder 'not otherwise specified' comes across as very intelligent unlike me, and like the poster above described of himself, he too is 'apathetic' in aspect---
the terror is there but he tries to keep those situations to a minimum and tries to stay away from getting involved -hence seen as 'not caring' when in reality if he brought himself to that level of caring it would agitate him too much ... i.e. in actuality, much more thoughtful and caring than the other people.
Take defeat as an urge to greater effort.
-Napoleon Hill