"much Ado about nothing"
Slippery slope
Accept, reject, decline, incline
Survival of the fittest versus "discrimination"
Visionary, precognitive, telepathic
Precious lil "people" don't believe what I tell them. Ass holes talk too much, too loud. There are too many of them.
36 accomplished nothing. Lazy, executive processing dysfunction. Graceful degradation
The psychologist that might have the authority to "help" me get a job through a case worker, keeps saying "living independently" like she has a "right" to send me to a group home. Tried and failed to research if the psychologist has a right to send someone to a group home. Don't want to find out s**t. A group home is only going to cause additional problems, subject to imagination. If she "helps" me get a job, it is just until I get fired. If she "helps" me get government benefits it is just until the law changes. Laws are constantly changing s**t.
f**k mister redelings
Treading water
Going nowhere
Lazy, executive processing dysfunction
Brain damage
Moral obligation
Caregiver, slave, guilt, shame, responsible, burden, annoying, imposition, unreasonable
My sister acts like
smoke and mirrors
She doesn't "help" in any significant manner but she exaggerated what little she does
"With great power comes great responsibility"
Depressed as f**k
Lil dipshits' attitude, assumptions, implication, not compatible with my philosophy
Not good at anything
Don't like anything or anyone
Nobody likes me
Several exceptions
Significant digits,
The future is only getting much worse s**t
Graceful degradation
No "life"
Energy spirit enthusiastic
The world is a torture chamber not a playground
Fragile vulnerable hopeless helpless
Forty acres and a mule
Double standard
"Life" is not fair
Not everything makes sense
Some children drop dead cancer
They didn't do anything wrong and cancer is the punishment
I didn't do anything correctly and 36 is the reward
"Reality" is easier for mister redelings to deal with because he is a skinny smart handsome cisgender neurotypical extrovert white man
Autism, depression, generalized anxiety disorder are defined as
, not
a disability
is something that makes it hard to deal with "reality"
Don't even want to go bathroom hopping
Quit hobby
Not fun anymore
Socially awkward
Uptight relax
Friends, unpredictable, spectrum, misleading appearances
Don't participate
Lil dipshits are usually not worth the energy it takes to interact with them
Depressed rage, anger
Give up
Vague broad, too much authority
Do nothing all day long
Beyond repair
Loud long Sighes...... hang in there ....?