auntblabby wrote:
blooiejagwa wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
blooiejagwa wrote:
that is incredibly sad.
she was the first Columbine Massacre casualty.
I googled that and see that the perpetrators don't look evil at all. It's frightening that 2 such ordinary nice seeming boys would do that.
The poem was written while wounded and in hospital? Or prior to the tragedy?
the morning of the massacre. she journaled constantly. after riddling her with bullets, the perpetrators [eric harris and dylan klebold] jerked her up by her hair and yelled at her, "
where's your god now, Rachel?!" before finishing their victim off. and quite often, evil is not only inoffensive in initial impression, but even beautiful. Lucifer is the master of lies and illusion, and [before the fall] was the most luminous of god's angels.
Yes my L and Lclerk were good looking by other people's standards and well dressed in very expensive looking things.
I don't believe the devil was ever an angel. angels are infallible that's their whole point. I believe he was a favoured jinn who was jealous of the new human being for being given importance. Also the Eve specifically sinning thing isn't in our book just that they both equally ignored God's one limit on them, were forgiven but had to spend life here. But that's just in Islam.
What's on my mind is how being around people you are comfortable with is all it takes to improve mental health. A person can change drastically from that. It's not all ONLy pills, affirmations, spirituality etc. You need a good support system and base.
Since ASD ppl have that less of course they encounter more mental health and LIFE challenges over time... If left to fend for themselves
Why I think this:
Today my son ate 4 meals --though he rarely eats ---
of his Corn twists (he still had to be G tube fed but the fact that he actually ate and took initiative to seek out the food)
Why he progressed:
We were staying at my moms since yesterday .
my brothers and mom have returned and we met mt sister and her Husband (odd to think of him as such)
He is happy to be around ppl who he loves andis comfortable with.therefore he eats and improves in everything.
The other son is also not clingy and sensitive and violent as he usually is
Take defeat as an urge to greater effort.
-Napoleon Hill