New year's resolution:
Make fewer careless errors
More careful errors
Getting sick, disease
Sleep deprivation,
bowel movement prevented by colon cancer patient,
pressure to eat
cold temperature
old age
When I limit the bowel movement time, sometimes later feels incomplete
Friday sat on toilet 80 minutes trying to ensure completion.
itchy as f**k
like scabies
Loss the will to live, when I was 13
Now 36
Lazy, motivation, executive processing dysfunction
Risk versus reward
Nature versus nurture
Worried about $$$
Government benefits could get rejected but even if granted, laws change constantly and government benefits could get revoked
Job not guaranteed but if get job, minimum wage and
the next day
But group home
is for a lifetime
Existential dread
Midlife crisis
Nothing accomplished or overcome
Problem, challenge
Positive attitude
False hope
Graceful degradation
Naturally not fit for survival
Survival of the fittest
"Discrimination " is "x" is a "y" the purpose of "z"
The definition of"discrimination" keeps changing
Worried about $$$
Nervous breakdown
Nervous wreck
Can't talk
Goals, hobbies
Nothing accomplished