Hey, everyone, I'm back from my vacation. It was nice, but since Thursday I'd been really bored and wanted to go home.
Until Thursday or Friday it was way too hot there (at least 80 degrees), and I was tired of the sun after the first 2 or 3 days, and it was too hot most of the time to sit down and relax and do anything. And I missed the internet.
Since either Thursday or yesterday (can't remember), I've had a few visual hallucinations, and an auditory one, which is very strange since I've never really had them before... The first one was seeing a sentence (of which I can only recall random words: "wizards" "repose" and "claim your soul", and as far as I recall it made no sense at all) written on the back of the the driver's seat of the truck I was in, yesterday, then seeing them dissolve. Then today was 3 more, first seeing a man jogging towards me, a woman in a red sweater or coat walking past the mirror at my house, and then a woman shouting "Romeo!" shortly after. And yesterday I was acting very strange, and right now my mind is totally gone. Does this mean I'm going crazy?
I guess the best part of the trip was getting great dinner every night, since we had about 20 people there everyday, and each group had designated nights when they made food. My favorites were carne asada (made by actual Mexicans
my step-dad's niece's husband and his dad), soft tacos, and bratwurst cooked in beer (all the alcohol was boiled out).
Where I went to was my step-dad's and his cousin's lakehouse cabin-thing over on the other side of the state. It's fun, but it takes 5 hours+ to drive there, one-way, which is incredibly boring.
We left around 12:30pm today, and got at 5:20pm. As you can tell I love travelling and talking about what I did.
Unfortunately my step-dad's entire family is Christian, so I didn't have many intelligent or fun conversations, and most of them, being "normal", automatically know I don't fit in and then label me as an outcast, except one person, who talks to me sometimes. Although for the first few days my step-dad's friend and his wife came along, and they were both nice and talked to me a lot. In the past they had both travelled the world a lot, and the wife loved learning languages, although she unfortunately didn't know near as much about linguistics as I do. The husband is Italian, and knows Latin quite well, and Italian fluently, which was pretty cool.
Last edited by dunbots on 09 Jul 2011, 11:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.