dunbots wrote:
Actually, I can't handle heat. After 70 degrees it gets too hot for me. On the other hand, I'm perfectly fine wearing shorts and a t-shirt in the snow in 20 degrees.

I don't know why, but it's been that way my whole life, and I know I'm not making it up.
That's funny.

No, I drank a ton while I was there, at least 5 bottles of water on most days.
Yes, Mexican food is very good.

I live on the west side where there are tons of trees, mountains, and liberals, and the eastern side where I went, and my step-dad is from, is very hot, dry, flat, and full of rednecks.

To put it shortly, it's hard to take someone that delusional seriously, and to be acquaintances with someone so prejudiced.
I was about to slap my step-sister's friend for saying "that's so gay" a million times.

Having a family with 2 gay people and one bisexual (excluding me), I hate people that think they/we are bad people for being born that way. And don't get me started on the ridiculous things religious people believe.
Oh.....I've had it easy dealing with heat, being in the hottest state and all, I've adapted. That's crazy that you can be in the snow with shorts on though.
I know....I was hoping it didn't happen when I started running, haha. Wo, you've done a better job hydrating than I have.
What is your favorite mexican food?
Interesting, sounds like a very contradictory state. I've been up there twice to visit my cousins a few years ago....around Camas Washington...I don't know what side that is on, but it was really pretty.
Have you ever been to Multnomah falls?! Just wondering. That was an epic hike.
That stinks about the prejudice. Sometimes life makes annoying people and you just gotta deal with them.

I used to say that. But it was only because I was trying to replace swearwords in my vocabulary. Maybe you should have talked to her about it. Now I say lame though (or occasionally ret*d). It's not that I felt people were bad for being born that way....just that they wanted more people to be that way, and wanting them to act on those impulses without even trying to rid them. I don't want to start a debate, but just know that there are 2 sides to every argument.

It's not totally ridiculous. The way people go about implementing their ideas without hearing the other side's opinion is crazy....but being religious isn't. Religion can be a well-thought out and planned and good thing if you go about it the right way. There are crazy non-religious people as well as crazy religious people....but I am not here to judge.