Henbane wrote:
Good afternoon Randomers. I hope you are all well today.
Grisha, I'm sorry to hear about your credit cards. Do you think they are doing it the same way each time, or is it just a coincidence? It's horrible when that happens.
Well the first time was not surprising, because I used my card whilst was on vacation in Ukraine, the second time was in April where someone bought almost $1,000 worth of mechandise (including $250 worth of Godiva chocolate!) online. The third time was this morning when somebody bought $50 worth of stuff at Walmart.com
The second two may be the same person, because they steal from the same place using the same stolen identity.
The bank gives me all the money back, but I still have to go through the hassle of getting my card replaced and updating all my accounts.
I am not letting it go this time, I will find this person and show them to the police - they have to have supplied their shipping address, right?
Yes, the credit card company should have the details of the thief. When it's happened to me before I've just signed something to say it wasn't me that used it, and I assumed that the credit card company would share the details with the police and press charges on the culprits? It depends if you can find out yourself what address they used.
The last time it happened to me, they spent £700 on a holiday, plus other things. I was quite envious of their travel plans, but I don't know how they thought they would get away with it.