10pm to 1am tried and failed to sleep
1am, two servings oatmilk and six servings multigrain artisan bread. Strong bowel movement urge while eating. Bowel movement took 20 minutes. Log. Massive. Exhausted.
3 to 6 am slept fine. Woke up and 30 minute bowel movement
Jogging. Constantly felt like bowel movement coming out
Pigpen. 15 minute bowel movement.
Bowel movement
Nap , 2.5 hours
Worried if it's diverticulitis or ulcerative colitis
Itchy ears, bobby pins
Itchy vulva
Sometimes I have to urinate and zero litterboxes nearby. Especially since Covid. So public urination. And zero toilet paper. Crotch itchy.
Shower bar fell off one year ago. Have not replaced
Have not showered since May 19, 2022
Strictly speaking, that is a dress code violation and I could get written up for it
But failure to wear a collar is also a dress code violation and plenty of lil dipshits do it
Customers and employees keep asking me to load merchandise that is too heavy
I don't know if it is because I am Lot Lizard or because I look stronger than I am
Two weeks ago a customer asked me to unload a tool from his car and I dropped it on the ground and it broke my tooth. Zero symptoms
I was afraid:
1. Worse injuries
2. Customer would injure me. He had the nerve to bark "what the f**k? You can't hold it?"
3. Made redundant
Scared the s**t out of me and now I am afraid to load heavy merchandise
Also I am rapidly getting weaker and weaker
I have a doctor's note that I am not allowed to lift over 50 pounds and the company is okay with that, but customers and slaves keep telling me to load heavy merchandise and even if I don't do it I have to get someone to do it for me and they often refuse, complain or are rude. Meanwhile the customer has the nerve to bark at me for taking too long
All that time, about 30 day laborers are just loitering around the parking lot, like it's their office
The sign says "no loitering, no soliciting, no panhandling", and cops and security guard always on standby. Once in a while the security tells them to leave the parking lot but then they just loiter at the border
New idiots, Lot Lizards Jamiel and Javell keep loitering around, on the phone and smoking. I have not tattled because "snitches get stitches" sometimes I need help loading
Besides even if I did tattle maybe nobody will believe me or care. For all I know maybe they are having sex with the boss
Four weeks ago Tattletale tom had the nerve to tell me that he had not seen me in a while. While I was clocked out for my official lunch break.
Tattletale tom acts like he is trying to get me made redundant
f**k Javeel, Jamiel, and Tattletale tom
Stressful strain chaotic hectic
Even the most civilized slaves and customers still say ",huh" and "what" instead of excuse me "
The whole organization is f****d up