blooiejagwa wrote:
dragonsanddemons wrote:
blooiejagwa wrote:
XH actually answered a couple of video calls fr younger and made him happy in doing so. However... What a jerk. He said he'd install something in my home if I agree to his terms of going back to things as they were before ( deviation frm legal signed agreement for his benefit against my wishes)..
I wont write the other stuff hes been doing since friday bcuz it is exhausting to thibj about .. All has to do with kids not me missibg out. Medical stuff.
Big dragon hugs. You really have a lot to deal with and are doing a much better job of it than I could ever do. I feel like you deserve to at least have a warm, gentle hug, and a bit of a break where you can let your emotions out as you need to, and I would hug you, stay with you, or leave you alone as you desired during it. I really wish I could give you that in person.
Thats what this place is to me. And you guys can read or scroll there is no guilt in imposing on others.
If u gave me a hug in person we wd both probably be really uncomfortable.. I don't do well in person.. Lol
I gave XH many big hugs and thanks though.
He should be made to feel important and good about being good ...
so that the other way to get a power high doesn't seem as appealing..
Yeah, in-person hugs tend to be more awkward than I think they will be. Touching someone else in any way feels like a close connection to me, kind of like I would be transferring all my sympathy, well-wishes, caring, etc. to you through the touch (or other emotions/feelings for someone else / in a different situation). Don’t know why I have that weird thing about it, just another one of my many quirks, I guess

But in person, I don’t know if the other person doesn’t like to be touched for whatever reason, and I usually want to do it only if I’m feeling positive things toward someone. So then I sit/stand there awkwardly, unsure if I should offer a hug or a hand on the back or something or not. And with hugging, I always seem to forget “proper protocol,” so I’m not sure how hard to squeeze, when to let go, etc. and end up feeling super awkward doing it with anyone other than my parents. But virtual hugs don’t have all that, they can be whatever you want them to be, even if that’s nothing at all
Yet in my new wildness and freedom I almost welcome the bitterness of alienage. For although nepenthe has calmed me, I know always that I am an outsider; a stranger in this century and among those who are still men.
-H. P. Lovecraft, "The Outsider"