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15 May 2020, 6:05 pm

dragonsanddemons wrote:
I guess they’re probably right, I’m so exceedingly abnormal in most ways that statistically, I truly don’t count (or shouldn’t count). I truly am only human physically, and am something else, whatever that may be, in every other way. I’m so very different from even other people on the autism spectrum... and I just started considering that maybe I’d like to try to separate myself from the idea of being female. I’m so unlike most women, even other autistic women, that I really don’t belong in that group (except, again, physically). But I don’t fit in as male, either. I think what I am is pretty much agender.

But even in that, I have to be a weirdo - I don’t want to be called “they/them.” I am not plural. I think I’d rather be called “it.” “But that seems so dehumanizing,” you say? Yes, that’s part of the point - I’m pretty much not human. The difference is, I don’t see that as a bad thing, or categorize every living thing that is not human as “lesser” in any way simply because they aren’t human, so to me it isn’t anything negative.

I wish I could just get my “womanly bits” removed so I could just completely forget that I technically am a woman, but odds are very much against me if I try to ask any appropriately-qualified doctor to do it for me, because most won’t do it for any less than truly life-threatening reasons if the person is of child-bearing age, no matter how much the person really doesn’t want kids, because “they might change their mind.”

I feel the same way, yet for inversed reasons.

I'm never 'normal', yet I accept that well.
I also feel too human; too sympathetic and too cruel. I want to be a bit 'less human' in essence, but this 'too human' part of me wouldn't accept that treatment and cannot digest that as much as I wish otherwise.

As an autistic, having the means and tools to fulfill the socially driven autistics ('stereotypical autistic anxious-to-please female types') yet having the complete opposite personality and aspiration of one.
As if fate wasted it on this ungrateful one, needlessly questioning the irony and what 'good' had I've done to deserved this; seeing others, reminds me 'why not someone more deserving??'
It's one of the reasons why I couldn't seem to relate -- I can fill the role others want to accomplish, but accomplishing the role is not who I'm nor what I would do.

And as a woman? There's a bigger irony.
I live pretty much in an environment full of female influence, with a culture with serious certainty about this culture's concept of feminism (concepts better than your average western concepts of feminism), having built and equipped for the roles and representation of females. Yet despite all and all, none of these circumstances touched my core.
Even better; as much as those around me emphasizes this female role, no one ever minds and even outright acknowledge that I have no 'female-bits' despite my 'functions', my biology and 'appearances'. That 'female' is not a part of my core nor desires, all but technicality.

It's confusing me, I wish I can stop pondering, stop assuming things.

So... Why??
It's presumptuous to assume to wish and switch places with anyone who both desire and deserve with 'whatever' I 'have'.. So presumptuous, having 'gifts' to bear guilt with.
And I tried to 'put myself in anothers shoe', seeing this unneeded sympathy, cruel and provoking, the idea and presumption does not respect those 'who are more deserved and desiring'... :|

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15 May 2020, 9:22 pm

Tornado warnings are super scary for me. We were under one this evening where I live.

“There’s a lesson that we learn
In the pages that we burn
It’s written in the ashes of the fire below”
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15 May 2020, 10:24 pm

I guess there’s so much stigma about calling someone “it” that I probably will have to forget about that idea, even if that’s really what I’d prefer. Goodness knows I have enough things with stigma, I don’t need to add another of my own choosing :roll: I’ll have to either go with “they/them,” or if I decide this is the case, just let people call me whatever they want, since gender matters so little to me.

I guess to me, “it” emphasizes that I am not a mix of male and female, I actually have no gender. And I really don’t get what the big issue is with calling someone “it.” If given my preferences, I’d call a baby I didn’t know the sex of “it” and not think twice about it (but I don’t because I know people will be offended if I do). Where’s the difference between calling my poodle, who is pretty much like a human toddler except for physical appearance, “it” if you don’t realize he’s a boy and calling a young human child “it” if you don’t know if they’re a boy or a girl (besides just “well, your poodle is a dog.”) I understand that it’s not socially acceptable, I just don’t understand why. I guess I’m so used to always being “other” no matter what group I’m attempted to be put into that I’ve just lost the feeling for it by now.

So really, the decision I now have to make is, just how far/obviously do I (or don’t I) want to separate myself from the idea of “female”?

Sorry, will stop hogging the thread now :oops:

Yet in my new wildness and freedom I almost welcome the bitterness of alienage. For although nepenthe has calmed me, I know always that I am an outsider; a stranger in this century and among those who are still men.
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16 May 2020, 1:41 am

Things that just.. Hurt my head. Like, where does this -- this blackened flame of malice inside me actually came from??

Also.. :| I'm either not in the mood, not having enough appetite or just suddenly lost my taste for chocolate. 8O
It wasn't this bad and sudden when I gradually lose my craving and taste on oilier foods -- no diet involved, it just... Pass for no reason.
Is this semipermanent due to time/age or something that would pass?

I'm turning 25 in less than a week now. I wouldn't exactly mind.

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16 May 2020, 1:53 am

j'ai travaillé comme lave-vaisselle au traiteur de l'épicerie et notre machine était en panne

,,,,,pour faire court c'était une très terrible journée

il y avait des signes sur comment laver les vaisselles à main dans les deux lavabos. le sol était tellement mouillé car l'endroit n'a pas été conçue pour cela....aujourd'hui j'ai enlevé tous les signes. je n'avais pas envie de me souvenir de cette terrible journeé

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16 May 2020, 2:18 am

this hellworld is increasingly a dystopian place.


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16 May 2020, 2:27 am

thanks, mom and dad.

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16 May 2020, 7:54 pm

What to eat for dinner.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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16 May 2020, 8:46 pm


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16 May 2020, 11:36 pm

flowers are nice :flower:


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17 May 2020, 12:42 am

Legal malpractice (my old lawyer)
Medical malpractice.

And people treat these people well or even lionize them, giving them hero status.

Additionally these types 'come out on top' in this world because they made a ton of $$ from intentionally exacerbating their client's/patient's situations instead of doing the right thing.
They dress well, have everything available to give their family the best lives, everything goes their way while they continue to intentionally harm and betray those who trust them.

Similar to those who hijack religion, bully the vulnerable, deter peace-making, intentionally cause and fan the flames of conflicts, sell arms, prevent justice and peace intentionally.

The world is a funhouse of illusions, often not so fun.

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17 May 2020, 9:45 am

Okay, plans (mostly to help me remember, and if I say I’m going to do something, I’m much more likely to actually do it).

Today - D&D, and I have to decide on the stuff for leveling up by 5PM today since we leveled up at the end of the last session.

Tomorrow - iron infusions, and if I haven’t done it today, I need to get myself clean and wash my hair.

Thursday - I start watching for delivery of the game I ordered.

Friday - therapy appointment, need to confirm the time (it’s been getting moved around a lot recently - understandably, with all the quarantine/COVID-19 stuff going on).

Next Tuesday - another iron infusion, and we need to set up a time with my doctor to get my iron level checked again to see if it helped any more this time (probably in approximately two weeks, since that was the timeframe the last time - though I actually got an earlier appointment because it had become clear by then that most of the benefit from the infusions had worn off).

Every day - try to brush and floss my teeth and wash my face at least once, though twice is even better. Remember that I only need to stand to wet and rinse the toothbrush and washcloth, I can sit while I do the rest if I need to (low energy / weak legs from the anemia (that is the reason I’m getting iron infusions). Also try to edge closer toward a more reasonable bedtime - no more staying up until three in the morning playing Animal Crossing or anything.

Kind of a busy schedule for still having most of the quarantine stuff in effect.

Yet in my new wildness and freedom I almost welcome the bitterness of alienage. For although nepenthe has calmed me, I know always that I am an outsider; a stranger in this century and among those who are still men.
-H. P. Lovecraft, "The Outsider"


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17 May 2020, 10:49 am

Trying to allow myself my happiness without getting mad at NTs or assuming they're moaning for the sake of moaning.

Not actually a girl


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17 May 2020, 1:46 pm

Did he say that he was going to live in Sweden and leave the UK? Something isn't right with him, not like him to be like this? I'm hoping I'm not the reason why? :cry:

Blint. :heart:


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17 May 2020, 1:48 pm

Either my cousin is aspie (I highly doubt it) or NTs are a lot more 'subtle' with facial expression etc than I thought they were.

She basically deadpan said lets do bingo at my party.

Turns out there's no bingo.

What? :scratch:

I'm glad cos I can't afford to throw £5 away on a game of chance. If she'd said £1 or something I'd be into it.

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17 May 2020, 1:53 pm

Wasted money on the expensive version of a product that is available at a cheaper price by a better branf but not in stock

Take defeat as an urge to greater effort.
-Napoleon Hill