yeah i got the context of the thread wrong but i will still allow my post to stand.....
this would take more dialogue and take longer to develop into such a situation if it really happened but this is just a summary.
boss:first of all thanks for being punctual at this interview.
applicant: sure sure...
boss: the first thing i will say is that punctuality has always been a sign of subservience in my opinion, but nevertheless, thanks for being on time.
applicant: that's ok.
boss: is it indeed? do you think i assume it's not OK otherwise?
applicant: no of course not...
boss: well then it is a mystery to me as to why you would spend energy on telling me it is OK when you agree that i would have already known that fact, but anyway continue to ply your spiel...
applicant: well i 'm applying for the job of....
boss: sorry it is apparent that you have not addressed my previous question to my satisfaction.
applicant: and what question was that?
boss: i excused you for being late, but you failed to tell me why "being late" mattered in the first place before you apologized. did you apologize because you thought i expected you to, or were you actually mindlessly sorry due to your idea of what it means to be "late"
applicant: well i am just sorry...i guess....that's all....
boss: what, a generic type of "sorry" or something. you just said you are sorry and you have no idea what you are sorry about. does that not stike you as odd?
applicant: i'm just applying for this job and i don't know what you are talking about.
boss: that sounds reasonable...i will call you next week to tell you whether you have the position.
applicant: but i really can't....
boss: really can't what?
applicant: i really can't avoid your questions like that.
boss: like what? i just stopped asking them and you had no further need to answer them so i will contact you next week. good afternoon.