KT67 wrote:
Seriously, if they hadn't insisted we do stuff like eat food we dislike & watch fireworks shows that hurt our eyes, I wouldn't mind so much them insisting all autistic people wear masks.
I mean it is common sense to wear a mask, it just hurts some people.
But they make things which are none of their concern into their concern. Things which harm nobody if we don't do them. Where did all the lovely cafes with plain foods go?
I hear ya. I find it ironic & sad when pro masks wearers say things like "anybody who believes wearing masks restricts their breathing must not be getting enough oxygen to their brain". cuz the pro mask wearers are proving themselves that wearing masks prevents their own brains from getting enough oxygen. It should be logical common sense that if wearing masks can stop viruses from getting through, they'll restrict some airflow as well & breathing in too much carbon dioxide can cause various health problems & make breathing worse. Wearing masks can cause people with asthma to start coughing & coughing gets people kicked out of businesses & public transit so as a result people with various breathing problems are not allowed to go to needed places due to the masks requirements & the fact that coughing would also get them denied entry.
Also some pro masks wearers seem to believe that wearing masks makes it impossible for them to catch or spread the virus so they don't need to worry about practicing any social distancing. When I go out there is so many large groups of masks wearers hanging out close together preventing passerbys from getting by while being able to practice social distancing.
It doesn't make sense that when the Trump supporters publicly protested against the government shutdown, the liberals/progressives were gripping about the Trump supporters endangering public health by protesting. But those same liberals/progressives themselves then went out & publicly protested in support of Black Lives Matter. For the record I support BLM & dislike racism but I think b!tching about one group endangering public health & then going out & doing the exact thing yourself makes you a giant hypocrite. The hypocrisy, stupidity, & hatred by
some, is the reason I no longer consider myself a progressive or liberal & now consider myself an independent freethinker.