Well, as I'm gonna start alternating with this pic, another dragon pic, and my anthro dog drawing avatar, I guess I should explain all three. The Dragon, AuRon(pronounced Uh-Ron) is one of the main characters of the Age of Fire series, my favorite book series ever. He's a Steinbeck type character that strives to survive or do great things despite his disability. AuRon is a grey dragon and was born without protective scales and can be killed very easily. There is an advantage of this though. In Age of Fire, dragons eat metal because it keeps the scales healthy. This however can end up with the dragon getting killed by Humans because they tend to crave metal so much, they'll steal it. AuRon has no scales and doesn't crave metal. AuRon is also quicker, more agile, can fly faster, and has the ability to change color. I like AuRon because he's neutral and I can relate to him the most. He doesn't think Hominids in general are weak and evil, just a bit corrupt. So he cooses not to get himself involved in their affairs.
The second avatar I'm going to use is one of the copper dragon RuGaard, AuRon's older brother. In Age of Fire, male hatchlings fight to the death to decide who is the most worthy. It's a natural instinct. RuGaard almost killed AuRon but AuRon pushed him off an incline, maiming RuGaard's arm. The parents decide to let him live, but they don't show any compassion towards him and they disown him. Despite this, RuGaard stays in the cave with his family. The only one that cares about him is one of the female hatchlings, Jizara. After a while, RuGaard's resentment for his parents and younger brother becomes so great, that upon the oppurtunity, he offers to lead dragon hunters into the cave, striking a deal with them. He tells them to not kill Jizara, but they go into the cave and kill everyone save AuRon and another female hatchling, Wistala. They also injure RuGaard's back, maiming his wing which is still forming inside a case on his back. After the hunters leave, he finds Wistala, who had returned after seperating with AuRon crying over the corpses. When RuGaard approaches, Wistala blinds him in one eye. So with everthing he cared about lost, RuGaard tries to throw himself down a chasm. He does, but instead of dying, he falls in an underwater river and eventually reaches a place undeground called the Lavadome, the last refuge for dragons. He's adopted there and eventually rises to become emperor in 30 years. So despite being severely disabled, he also manages to do great things. The reason why I don't relate to him is because he changes from being neutral towards Humans and Humanoids, to thinking of them as inferior. He eventually becomes the emperor of the world as well and subjugates humankind, so he ends up being the protagonist in the later books.
My last avatar, the one I was with until recently was a doodle I did with microsoft paint and that I refined with photoshop. I can't draw well by hand, so I'm trying to learn how to use microsoft paint to draw. I first started drawing with microsoft paint earlier this year. I noticed immediately how crappy it looks if you just use thin lines and generic colors. But now I know how to shade, make colors, erase efficiently, etc. Also, there is a sketching function on photoshop that sketches over your drawing and makes it look more natural except for some places where it'll make random white spots. I did that and it does this cool staining effect on shadows. The reason why it's a dog is because I like antropomorphic animals and I can draw animals heads better than human being heads. It was originally going to be an anthro depiction of myself, but i decided not to because brown hair doesn't work well with grey fur. I still have to work on it some more by adding more shadows, folds in the hoodie, the rest of his jacket and body, and fur.