Sylkat wrote:
Dear Naturalplastiic, If we were popular, we wouldn't be here, would we? We'd be socializing with all of our adoring friends and going out to clubs and 4-star restaurants and drinking and dancing and having a delightful time, wouldn't we? I really think that the choice of spending our time looking for friends on WP rather than at the local singles bars speaks for itself.
You gotta point there.
And actually I was just joking.
But these people who claim to be unpopular "even on WP" do puzzle me.
How would you know whether you were popular here or not?
So I took a stab at starting a tongue in cheek "more unpopular than thou" contest to tease out why they think that. You know- boast about how unpopular you are and then try to prove that you really are that unpopular, and then hold your own against all comers who might think that they can document that they are even more unpopular on WP than you are! You might find that you're not really all that unpopular!
Sorry if I offended.