kraftiekortie wrote:
The coolest thing about the UK----is the constant greenery, even in Central London.
I like the color of the grass there; it's different than what we have in the US. It's a lighter sort of green.
I was amazed, flying over London, how green it actually is from above.
Whenever I've been to London, I've been struck with how grey it is. Even the parks are grey with visible pollution. To be fair, it has usually been unseasonably warm, so the grass has been more yellow than it might have been.
I enjoy seeing the change in flora as I move up and down the country.
I've never been to the States, but I have of course seen footage. I've read up on and watched green urban redevelopment projects, but I hadn't necessarily strung it together about how so much of American cities is devoid of greenery.
I suppose I'm quite fortunate to live on the cusp of the countryside.