Not trying to offend those who do swear, but I just don't see the point of such language. Plus I think I have (figuratively speaking) "linguistic synesthesia". What I mean by that is that I have more unusual associations with those words than most people tend to. For instance, if someone says, "God d**n it", then that translates to me as "Screw religion! I hate it!" and I find that kinda bigoted. And if someone uses Jesus' name as an exclamation, it means that whoever is using that doesn't think Jesus ever existed and that his story is just a fairy tale. His story might be, and I don't think of him as a "divine spirit" or anything (hope that doesn't offend anyone who does - I don't want to stop anyone from believing in what they believe in), but I think Jesus himself was a real person, so that kinda bothers me when people say that. Many swears that aren't associated with religion come from bodily functions (yes, "f**k" does too
) Basically if someone calls another person (or thing) "s**t" or says "f**k you" to them, they are likening that person or thing to waste, and I don't see what good that does anyone. "Alternative swears" work for me knowing that there is no such person as "Gosh" or "Jeez", and that there is no such place as "Heck", and you can't suffer eternal "darnation", and that you can't call what comes out of you "shoot" or "tick", etc. I don't really believe in Hell anyway, and my belief in God falters, but I just think it's more respectful to other people. It'd be stupid of me to disrespect anyone, and not all religious people are fundamentalists, unlike what most nonreligious people seem to think. I'm kinda sick of people thinking that to tell you the truth. Most of my relatives on my mom's side are Mormon so it kinda rubbed off on me I guess.
Almost forgot about "@$$" (esp. if followed by "hole" - if applied to a person I don't think it's a reference to the buttocks) and b**ch", which liken people to animals. Although technically speaking people ARE animals, I understand the need for people to think that they are more dignified than other animals are (I know not all of them are, but bear with me here, folks). Therefore it seems stupid to call people such names, as it only aggravates the situation they are in. It doesn't help them.
It's funny you mention that since I feel somewhat the same way about saying "screw religion". I stopped believing in any form of Deity about 7 years ago and since then have considered myself an Atheist, yet I still say "god damn it" or "holy s**t" out of habit. I've been trying to come up with a new expression to use in these instances since saying "god damn it" would be a moot point for me since I don't believe there to be a god.