slightly expressed extravert (11% strength)
moderately expressed intuitive personality (38%)
moderately expressed thinking personality (50%)
moderately expressed judging personality (44%)
depending on my mood when i take these tests, i flip between introverted and extraverted. i am quite sociable in some ways, but i was not born that way. as a teenager and adult i found that my mental state suffered when i spent too much time alone, and over time i have come to appreciate the company of other people. on the other hand if i don't get *enough* time alone, my mental state also suffers, to the degree i end up making myself physically ill with headaches and exhaustion and things like that. so for me, it is a balancing act.
interestingly, i looked at a page that recommended jobs for people of this personality type, and one suggested job is Project Manager, which is my current designation. however, i don't actually manage any projects - i work in a government call centre! we just happen to be designated as Project Managers (with no actual projects or management involved). a second site said i would be suitable as a Government Employee, which makes sense (lol see above). one of the other recommended jobs was Teacher, which i worked as for 5 years.