IceKitten wrote:
I can't choose between them. I love cats and dogs equally.
These are my favourite dog breeds:
* Siberian Husky.
* Berner Sennen.
* Shetland Sheepdog.
* Border Collie.
* Rhodesian Ridgeback.
* Nova Scotia Duck-Tolling Retriever.
* Golden Retriever.
* Labrador Retriever.
* Flatcoated Retriever.
These are my favourite cat breeds:
* Somali.
* Abyssinian.
* Russian Blue.
* Snowshoe.
* Siamese.
* Ragdoll.
I once rescued a Rhodesian Ridgeback and rehabbed her, She was an amazing dog. They are a very intelligent and sensitive breed--kind of like a dog with Asperger's. I think that is why we clicked--I understood what she needed. She needed a "den" (a big crate with a blanket thrown over it) to go be by herself and chill. She couldn't take loud noises--the TV blaring would stress her out. She needed routine, day in, and day out. She'd be aloof with strangers. She didn't need a lot of physical affection, but she did need physical and mental stimuli and a lot of it. And you can't be harsh with Ridgebacks--they'll just shutdown. My roommate at the time once did something cruel to her, and I could have killed him for it. That was over 15 years ago,and I still want to kick the a-hole in the groin for what he did to that sweet, sensitive dog.
I love dogs, but I'm more a cat person overall. I've had many cats, but Siamese and Tonkinese are my favorite breeds. I love their intensity and their chattiness. They are vocal cats, and very smart. I lost one of my Siamese mixes last year. He slept every night on the pillow next to mine since I rescued him as a tiny kitten. I still can't sleep well at night without him there. My other Siamese mix is 18 years old, so she will not be with me for much longer. She too sleeps with me--she's my "guardian" cat who thinks it's her job to watch over me at night. My other two cats are a tabby and a calico that I rescued from a feral colony. They are awesome, but nothing can replace a Siamese.