ci wrote:
Delirium wrote:
ci wrote:
I do have plans to maybe purchase the rights to this video and air it in my area featuring the Adam & Eve fragrance collection and for viral marketing reasons online. It is for autism and DD employment.
Nathan Young
It doesn't have anything to do with autism. People are going to miss the point.
If course not. But would just be a political entry point. That's strategy. But was more intended for here then offline. For some having autism means akin to being gay? heh... Not that it's insulting but I don't see the similarities. I know people with Autism that are very happy go lucky but they are not gay and I know others that are very mild matters. I know some that laugh a great much and others that miss the point entirely to jokes.
If you use a gay-themed ad to promote autism, it doesn't matter what your intent is. They're just going to see something gay-related.
I don't post here anymore. If you want to talk to me, go to the WP Facebook group or my account.