I just got my wisdom tooth pulled out
I went to my dentist today and when he started drilling, he was surprised I never had any toothache in it, for the whole tooth was damaged and nothing could save it
The outside hole that was so seemingly innocent, inside was the gate to the wide whole world of damage
So he said I could get it pulled out if I wanted and I - after a long hesitation - agreed. But it wasn't that scary - so far, every time I got my teeth pulled out (twice), I was preparing mentally for it for months. And here my decision was taken in half a minute when the dentist kept telling me what other things could be done (and even if, it still wouldn't guarantee to me that finally, having a lot of money spent on the attempts to save it, I wouldn't need to tell my tooth "bye"), I decided to go for it. It took him just a couple of seconds to pull it out
Recently I had some problems with some other wisdom tooth that wasn't going to come out and he had to cut my gum to help it get out
My wisdom tooth - what was left of it - I told you that it was VERY damaged - now is lying in a special "tooth container" - a pink, plastic, tooth shaped casket I got when I expressed my wish to keep the tooth.