Where did you get the idea for your name?

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20 Apr 2012, 5:26 am

Bun wrote:
Not an impression per se, but I used to wonder if you're someone else I know online who calls her son Peanut. I soon realised you weren't.
Yeah, I make it obvious by the numerous amount of times I write 'my daughter'. I think I've only called her 'Peanut' on here a few times (never in real life), but that was because I was needing to give 'my daughter' a break.

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20 Apr 2012, 6:09 am

I'm a bit crazy, not exactly young anymore, a social recluse and a cat owner. If I was female, people would probably call me a crazy old cat lady. But since I'm male, I'm more of a crazy cat lord :D A crazy middle-aged cat lord to be precise, but that was too long.


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20 Apr 2012, 6:25 am


There can be only one! :)


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20 Apr 2012, 7:33 am


line 12

It's taken from an interview on the English band Spiritualized.


"It's how they see things. It's a way of bringing class to an environment, and I say that pejoratively because, obviously, good music is good music however it's created, however it's motivated." - Thomas Newman


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20 Apr 2012, 8:15 am

spaceappleseed wrote:
The "space" part is a reference to one of my favorite animes, Cowboy Bebop. (The main characters are futuristic bounty hunters known as space cowboys). The "apple" part is simply because I've always been obsessed with all things Apple. And the "seed" part was an accident - autocorrect attached it because I often use it as a password and I didn't notice until my username had been set. Guess no one will have a hard time hacking into my accounts now...

Carl Sagan used to talk about terraforming ( making habitable) other planets like Mars. According to him one of the early steps would be to have "robot Johnny Appleseeds" traverse the surface seeding the planet with plants. Johnny Appleseed ofcourse was the mythic guy in early american legend who seeded the then wild Ohio Valley frontier with apple trees ( based on a real apple entrepreneur of the time). So your nickname sounds like a reference to this vision of a future greenier outerspace.

I was reading an article about Baltic amber in the Smithsonian Magazine- that transluscent mineral stuff that they carve things out of and it sometimes has 30 million year old bugs trapped in it- and its really fossilized tree sap.

The article explained that Baltic amber is "a kind of natural plastic- which sounds like a contradiction in terms..."

The article then iwent on to explain how amber is made of the same kind of polymers as plastic.

I paused for a moment to just savior the phrase "natural plastic". It just sounded so cool-a good name for a rock band. It has a rythmn to it.

Then there is the seeming contradition that plastic could be ''natural'. As a name for a band it would covey many layers of possible meaning.

Then forgot about it for years, but then had to scramble to think of a name when I registered here.


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20 Apr 2012, 9:59 am

I love watching as well as playing cricket and everytime i appeal to the umpire i say howzat so that is why i chose this as my username.


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20 Apr 2012, 10:22 am

Kurgan & Howzat have supercool pseudonyms 8) that's it..


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20 Apr 2012, 10:45 am

Well, I think my mother had nine months to think about it. My name is Danielle, thought. I just used a short way of it. It should be Dani, but I'm kind of tired of it.

?I?m alive,? said Douglas. ?But what?s the use? They?re more alive than me. How come? How come?
And standing alone, he knew the answer, staring down at his motionless feet?

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20 Apr 2012, 11:54 am

I rejected a bunch of names I had used earlier, and then some which (when I looked up their origin) turned to out to have unpleasant associations. Then the one I preferred (which was a pun for which I had a funny profile pic) was taken, so I went with my second choice.

Pyrite is something best known for being mistaken for something else of similar appearance but not being accorded anywhere near the same level of (socially constructed) value, but which when understood in its own terms rather than as a pale reflection of something else is found to have its uses.

The profile pic is the lamest phonetic pun I could think of 8). It ended up looking like an ideogram (a Chinese/Japanese/Korean character), so I'd be curious as to whether people had trouble telling what it was supposed to be.


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20 Apr 2012, 11:54 am

ATwistedLogic wrote:
Colinn wrote:
Signed up quickly, so couldn't be bothered trying to come up with a clever or interesting name. So I opted for my own first name, which was taken so added an extra "n". How clever of me! :lol:

Pure genius :D

Makes me think maybe I should have called myself Jesss...


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20 Apr 2012, 1:15 pm

Fudo wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
Fudo wrote:
have posted in one of these a while ago but people join often enough and is interesting to see new and colourful pseudonyms :)
fudo initially came to me as just my surname in romaji but thanks to the often bizarre ambiguity of language Fudo is also Fudo Myoo literally "the immovable king of wisdom/wisdom king" and means quite a few other things too...
So now I tend to assume the Avatar of Fudo and vice versa, so to speak.

awesome explanation! it's neat to read it

Thanks hyper :) think you might've said that last time, though my memory gets confused if I've done something more than once.. Kinda
Also I posted about Fudo ages ago in the "quite interesting" thread, not that big but it's bigger than wiki's offering.

Still looking at me that way too ;) hehe your eyes always draw me in, in the loveliest way of course..
ahem anyways...

yeah i like reading the story of your username - it does not get old. and thank you! ;)

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20 Apr 2012, 2:52 pm

Jory wrote:
There have been a couple of topics like this in the past, but they don't get posted every damn day like the "which historical figure or fictional character do you think had Asperger's?" and "do you think I have Asperger's?" topics.

Anyway, Jory is a character in Philip K. Dick's novel Ubik. It's basically like The Matrix or Inception, only better, and written 30 or 40 years earlier.

That sounds like an interesting book. I thought about reading something by him, but never know where to start.


"It's how they see things. It's a way of bringing class to an environment, and I say that pejoratively because, obviously, good music is good music however it's created, however it's motivated." - Thomas Newman


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20 Apr 2012, 4:17 pm

TheHouseholdCat wrote:
That sounds like an interesting book. I thought about reading something by him, but never know where to start.

I'd recommend starting with any of these: The Man in the High Castle, The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, Ubik, or A Scanner Darkly,


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20 Apr 2012, 5:12 pm

My best friend was a little bird, she used to s**t on my shoulder and tweet in my ear. Sadly one night as I was popping the cork of my favourite bottle of wine she had a heart attack, fell off her perch and died. The name 'Babybird' is just me paying tribute to her short lived but most meaningful life.

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20 Apr 2012, 6:04 pm

I only had to flip on my name to get my account name, except the 350 part, i thought it would sound "rad" with it.


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20 Apr 2012, 6:51 pm

I am a huge fan of The Joker and i know everything about him that's why I chose the name Joker.