1) A black T-shirt that didn't even fit me with a band logo of a group I don't even listen to (it wasn't even in the same genre. Last time I checked Elvis Presley is not Industrial).
2) A hoodie with an emo band on it. My sister really needs to stop purchasing gifts. First the Elvis shirt, now a My Chemical Romance shirt. Really??????????????? It's insulting, because I get her specifically what she requests, while she completely ignores my list. Not to mention it's getting hard to find people who actually want to be seen in the clothes she buys.
3) Rediculously expensive items. I just want practical things like a desk organizer, new hamper or camouflage pants to match a specific pattern of Woodlands.
4) Guitar. What made anyone think I wanted an instrument I cannot even play?
5) Snowboard. Really?! I'm not into sports, yet instead of the BMX bike I needed (I had no other way to get to town and I hate mountain bikes, plus I'm somewhat short (all torso, not much legs), so dismounting from a large bike is not an option), I get an expensive snowboard that I cannot even use. Hopefully my nephew will like it when he gets old enough.
6) Perhaps the worst gift ever: A sign that read "Dogs rule, cats drool." I happen to be a cat-lover and the person giving me said gift should have known this. Luckily, I knew a "dog person" who'd like the sign, so it was promptly regifted.