Tequila wrote:
GoonSquad wrote:
For guzzling, I do Pabst Blue Ribbon
I've had that. It's not an offensive beer (a lot of the mass-produced UK lagers fall into this trap of being unpleasant) but it's almost entirely tasteless.
Yeah, American macro-brews tend to be as bland as possible on purpose (pretty much the same with all American food--makers want mass appeal, not quality).
PBR is better than most, but if you've had "good" beer before, you can tell the difference for sure.
I also like Diamond Bear Pale Ale and IPA--two local brews that are nice and hoppy.
For a nice dark beer, BULLY! Porter from Boulevard (Kansas City) is good. It has a nice thick bitter coffee/chocolate vibe.
I guess I like most stuff from Diamond Bear and Boulevard... Shiner is not bad for macro-beer.
No man is free who is not master of himself.~Epictetus