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09 Mar 2007, 9:29 pm

Graelwyn wrote:
I cannot quite get my head around the fact two far as I can see have voted 'depends' next to pedophilia and child pornography. 8O

In the case of OWA he is a 14 year old young man so he does not see the crime in wanting to see other naked 14 years olds.


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09 Mar 2007, 9:31 pm

TheMachine1 wrote:
Graelwyn wrote:
I cannot quite get my head around the fact two far as I can see have voted 'depends' next to pedophilia and child pornography. 8O

In the case of OWA he is a 14 year old young man so he does not see the crime in wanting to see other naked 14 years olds.

Yeah, I'm American so if I get a 17 year old girlfriend I'm a pedophile. In Britain that wouldn't be the case.


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10 Mar 2007, 7:04 am

GoatOnFire wrote:
Yeah, I'm American so if I get a 17 year old girlfriend I'm a pedophile. In Britain that wouldn't be the case.

Not strictly no, but if you were any older than a few years it would be very frowned upon. For example, it would be more twisted a 40-year-old man having a girlfriend of 16 than a boy of 15 having a 18 year old girlfriend.

And even if you have a 16/17 year old girlfriend, taking any naughty pictures would be illegal in the eyes of the law. Even if they were for your own personal pleasure.


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10 Mar 2007, 9:19 am

Incest: Depends

Pedophilia: Against

Gay Marriage: Depends

Gay Adoption: Depends

Sex Change Operations: Depends

Rape/Sexual Abuse: Against

Polygamy: ? Dunno what it is.

Interracial Marriages/Relationships: For

Religion: Depends

War: Depends

Beastiality: Against

Freedom Of Speech: Depends

Prayer In Public School: Depends

Racism: Against

Sexism: Against

Bullying/Harrassment: Against

Politics: Depends

Adult Pornography: Depends

Child Pornography: Against


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10 Mar 2007, 2:26 pm

Tequila wrote:
GoatOnFire wrote:
Yeah, I'm American so if I get a 17 year old girlfriend I'm a pedophile. In Britain that wouldn't be the case.

Not strictly no, but if you were any older than a few years it would be very frowned upon. For example, it would be more twisted a 40-year-old man having a girlfriend of 16 than a boy of 15 having a 18 year old girlfriend.

And even if you have a 16/17 year old girlfriend, taking any naughty pictures would be illegal in the eyes of the law. Even if they were for your own personal pleasure.

I thought 16 was legal in Britain. It's 18 in the US. I'm 20, and I go to jail for a couple years if I get caught with a 17 year old.


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11 Mar 2007, 4:59 am

It is legal in the UK. However, I am talking socially - a 40/16 relationship would be seen as more wrong than an 18/15 relationship, say. Sex is legal at 16 (17 in Northern Ireland) but taking any naughty images remains illegal until 18.


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17 Mar 2008, 12:02 am

Some of these are kind of weird to answer with "for" or "against", like religion--do you mean whether I believe in it, whether I agree with faith-based morality, or what? I'll do my best to answer clearly.

Incest: For (as long as it's consenting!)

Pedophilia: I'm against child abuse, sexual or otherwise, not "pedophilia" (that would be kind of like being against heterosexuality)

Gay Marriage: For

Gay Adoption: For

Sex Change Operations: For

Rape/Sexual Abuse: Against (is anyone actually for this???)

Polygamy: ? For polyamory, if you're talking about legal marriage I'm undecided

Interracial Marriages/Relationships: For

Religion: For people being able to practice it, AGAINST people pushing it on others

War: Depends

Beastiality: For

Freedom Of Speech: For!! ! (unless you're shouting in the middle of the street or something)

Prayer In Public School: Against

Racism: Against

Sexism: Depends (not for discrimination, but lots of things are called "sexist" nowadays)

Bullying/Harrassment: Against

Politics: Doesn't politics kind of exist no matter what? I dislike most politicians, though.

Adult Pornography: For

Child Pornography: Against


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17 Mar 2008, 12:10 am

Here's Mine

Incest Against (children that are born usually come out with medical problems)

Pedophilia Against

Gay Marriage For

Gay Adoption Depends (like any normal adoption)

Sex Change Operations Depends (If it's a consenting adult than it's ok)

Rape/Sexual Abuse Against

Polygamy Depends (If they're consenting)

Religion Depends (If it isn't putting down other religions or ppl)

War Depends (Sensative subject for me right now)

Beastiality Against

Freedom of Speech Depends (If it doesn't include racism etc. there's a double play on this topic you know)

Prayer in Public School Depends (As long as it doesn't exclude or include ppl of different religions)

Racism Against

Bully/Harrassment Against

Politics Depends (Just vote)

Adult Pornography Depends (If the adults were consenting to the project)

Child Pornography Against


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17 Mar 2008, 12:31 am

Incest: Against, 2nd cousins are ok, but anything genetically closer than that shouldn't breed.

Pedophilia: Against, children should have freedom from knowing about sex and certainly should never be used as a sexual icon in some pervert's mind.

Gay Marriage: Against, it shouldn't even be given the honor to be called "marriage."

Gay Adoption: Against, H E L L. N O!! !

Sex Change Operations: Against, unless you're a mutant: keep what you got.

Rape/Sexual Abuse: Against, nothing should ever be forced ever, certainly not sex.

Polygamy: Against, 1Man + 1Woman -> better relationship and fewer children.

Interracial Marriages/Relationships: For, since we are all from Noah.

Religion: For Christianity or Judaism only, the rest: Against (not the existence of, but the others I don't see as valid; however, people may do as they like as it is their life and not mine.)

War: Depends on how it is done AND why it is being done.

Beastiality: Against, who ever doed this should be shot and incinerated.

Freedom Of Speech: Against pornography, but for the rest of the other aspects of freedom of speech.

Prayer In Public School: For private prayer rights of students and teachers.

Racism: Against, genetic differences between any two humans is 0.2% and the gene that accounts for melanin production is 0.001% difference between any two humans.

Sexism: Against, men and women are equal in terms of value as a human being.

Bullying/Harrassment: Against, kids who do this should be prosecuted as adults.

Politics: I hate it. It is all so corrupt; it disgusts me.

Adult Pornography: Against, marriage would be better than a non-relationship with some stupid picture and it crowds your thoughts like a parasite. I hate it.

Child Pornography: AGAINST, children should NOT ever be sex objects!! ! People involved in this need electro convulsive therapy.


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17 Mar 2008, 8:15 am

Incest: Depends (If any abuse is involved then obviously against, but people like those siblings in Germany who didn't even know eachother untill they were in their twenties should be left alone. Wonder what they tell their kids though.)

Pedophilia: Against (But what definition of child are we using here? In Denmark you are a minor untill age 15, in America untill age 18.)

Gay Marriage: For (As much as I am for any marriages anyway, making a contract for love seems a little odd to me.)

Gay Adoption: For (Children needs families, if a gay couple is deemed capable of taking care of the child, then they should be allowed to.)

Sex Change Operations: For (Their bodies = their choice. Don't expect me to understand them though.)

Rape/Sexual Abuse: Against (Who the hell would ever write anything other than against here?)

Polygamy: Depends (Seems silly, but love doesn't follow logic.)

Interracial Marriages/Relationships: There is only one human race! We killed off the only other one to have lived alongside us thousand of years ago. If you find a Neanderthal somewhere feel free to marry him/her, I won't stop you.

Religion: Against (Any organised religion is bound to suppres faith. Faith I am for, but not religion.)

War: For? It keeps the population down and all... the problem isn't war, it is people believing that all is fair in love and war.

Beastiality: Against (What about Dolphins though? They are known to 'make the first move' so to speak...)

Freedom Of Speech: For (Everyone should be able to say exactly what they wants when they wants it! I am aware that this will create complete chaos, I am merely saying how it should be.

Prayer In Public School: You can talk to your God when ever you want, but don't you disrupt my education while doing it.

Racism: Against (I'm just plain against hatred of any kind, it serves no point)

Sexism: Against (We are different, but none is better!)

Bullying/Harrassment: Against (Again who would say for here?)

Politics: Douglas Adams wrote: "Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job." This describes my feelings towards politics pretty accurately.

Adult Pornography: I have no oppinion on this matter. I simply don't care.

Child Pornography: Against (Still somewhat depending on the definition of child in use.)

Once I knew everything, then I got smarter, now the only thing I know is that I know nothing.
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17 Mar 2008, 10:01 am

AndersTheAspie wrote:
Interracial Marriages/Relationships: There is only one human race! We killed off the only other one to have lived alongside us thousand of years ago. If you find a Neanderthal somewhere feel free to marry him/her, I won't stop you.

My birth father had the brow ridges and large occipital bun. But then again, morphological variations within a species are fairly wide. He wasn't stupid intellectually, his IQ was tested at 183, but he did make stupid choices (e.g. drugs and smoking.)

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17 Mar 2008, 10:40 am

Incest: Other than immediate family i don't suppose it would be so bad, then again i live in alabama.

Pedophilia: Depends. If a hot twenty-five year old girl wanted to sleep with me when i was fifteen then that would have been fine. I really think it should be less defined groups, like 14-16 16-20 or something like that. There was a dude that went to jail in georgia for statutory rape with a consenting 17 year old when he was 18, or he may have even been 17 and her 16 but they tried him as an adult. It was really ironic that it was statutory rape but he was tried as an adult.

Gay marriage: For.

Gay adoption: For. Honestly there would probably be less fighting....the kid could turn out better. :lol:

Sex change operations: for. Why would anyone care?

Rape/sexual abuse: Uhhh...for? i agree with the above poster, why is this even a question, i don't think anyone will say they are for it...

Polygamy: For. It makes just as much sense as any other marriage and apparently god was all for it.

Interracial marriages/relationships: For. Does no one take into account that there are multiple 'white' ethnic groups? Anglo-saxons, teutonics, celts, etc. Interracial marriages have been accepted in the USA for a long time, only color really matter today.

Religion: Against. Anything that can cause people to teach forgiveness all day while committing genocide, or kill people for being infidels when they ARE NOT infidels according to your own book is pretty messed up in my opinion. No logic,no reason,no empathy,no good.

War: Depends. Is it to save an oppressed people? Perhaps intergalactic war with a horrible galaxy consuming species of alien hell bent on the destruction or subversion of the entire universe(multiverse?) and humans are the only chance to stop them? If so then I'm all for it. If it is for oil,politics,hate,religion,money(especially if we go to war for money or oil and don't get any!! !) then I'm against it.

Beastiality: Against for the most part. But what if no harm is done and the animal is the initiator? Just a thought. Also what if we came into contact with an alien species, what if they were hot? Would that be beastiality? Aside from the hot aliens i think it is pretty messed up myself, although i don't think the laws and views on it in the USA are based off of animal cruelty but religious views.

Freedom of speech: For. I think it would be pretty cool if you could say what you want without fear of being arrested or hounded by the KKK, which coincidentally are also the police. (This may not apply outside of the alabama,mississippi,tennessee tri-state area.)

Prayer in public school: Sure, but can we also recite the communist manifesto after you are done? 8)

Racism: Against. I'm having trouble thinking of anything amusing to say... :?

Sexism: Against. Women should be able to go topless as they please, same with the stuff on the islamic womens' faces, cant recall the name. I want to see lips and boobs! I also would like for a woman to hold a door open for ME once in my lifetime, it would be nice....I read something interesting about men making more money on average yet women spend more..i think us guys need some equality too. :evil:

Bullying/harassment: Is telling a jehovahs witness to hold on one second so you can release a scientolligist since you have three and no jehovahs witnesses counted as harassment? If not then i am against, if so then i don't know....

Politics: Against. Anders summed it up quite nicely. If you are honest and decent you will be torn apart by the same people that complain that all of our politicians are two faced crooks.

Adult pornography: For. If you are against rape then you should be all for porn in my opinion.It has also brought us some really cool stuff, vcrs for example, and some of the most advanced robots are in the same industry, as well as virtual reality advancements.

Child pornography: Against. Even if i don't think that the definitions of statutory rape, adult, adolescent, etc are even close to decent i don't think anyone in a gray area should be engaging in something so potentially compromising. If you are not 100% an adult you probably shouldn't be going out on any business adventures on your own anyways, much less into an industry with adult right in the name.


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17 Mar 2008, 11:22 am

Incest: ABSOLUTELY NOT, NO NEVER! (The thought of third cousins creeps me out, but that's as close as it should EVER get!)

Pedophilia: Against (Let's make a distinction for Pederasty though).

Gay Marriage: For

Gay Adoption: For

Sex Change Operations: For

Rape/Sexual Abuse: Against -- In fact, those found guilty of this should be lobotomized.

Polygamy: For, for me, Depends for others

Interracial Marriages/Relationships: For

Religion: For/Against -- I'm a Unitarian; I'm against exclusive hating religions

War: Against -- Never any good reason to kill people. Self defense is a different animal.

Beastiality: Against: unless of course you're a beast.

Freedom Of Speech: Depends. I am for freedom of speech inasmuch as it is not an incitement to hatred

Prayer In Public School: Against unless it is a private school exclusively for students of that religion, in which case, for.

Racism: Against

Sexism: Against

Bullying/Harrassment: Against

Politics: Against -- Sometimes I think Anarchy would be a good way to go.

Adult Pornography: For

Child Pornography: Against -- Let's make a distinction for Pederasty.


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17 Mar 2008, 11:42 am

Incest: Depends

Pedophilia: Against (This definition: The act on the part of an adult of engaging in sexual activity with a child or children. The way I see it: Children are 14 and under. 15 and older are consensual age. Adults are 18 and older.)

Gay Marriage: For

Gay Adoption: For (As long as they have to jump through all of the same hoops a straight person/couple does)

Sex Change Operations: For

Rape/Sexual Abuse: Against

Polygamy: For (Marriage is consensual. If many women want to marry one man, let 'em. If many men want to marry one woman, so be it. If a bunch of men and a bunch of women all wanted to marry each other, more power to 'em.)

Interracial Marriages/Relationships: For

Religion: Against

War: Against (Unless it is in revolt against a tyrannical ruler or government)

Bestiality: Depends

Freedom Of Speech: For (You're allowed to voice your opinions, you're also allowed to be hated, despised and ridiculed for them)

Prayer In Public School: Depends (Not allowed to clog up the hallways or block entrances/exits in prayer groups or circles, can't be disruptive. But can pray silently, Silent Prayer, anytime, which no one can really stop anyway.)

Racism: Against

Sexism: Against

Bullying/Harrassment: Against

Politics: Depends

Adult Pornography: For (Consensual, non-coercive), Against (Slavery, coercive)

Child Pornography: Against (I view children as 14 and under)

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17 Mar 2008, 1:15 pm

I'm a libertarian, so I don't think that any of these should be "illegal". I also don't believe in morality. But I'll give an "against" to politics and war.


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17 Mar 2008, 6:56 pm

RainKing wrote:
I'm a libertarian, so I don't think that any of these should be "illegal". I also don't believe in morality. But I'll give an "against" to politics and war.

Isn't rape an initiation of force? Shouldn't that make it illegal?