Good English- An Object Lesson (READ)

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Should I stop injuring Bernard/TehL33tDethMstr in a humourous and instructive manner?
Yes 5%  5%  [ 1 ]
No 29%  29%  [ 6 ]
Should I care about a figment of your imagination? 24%  24%  [ 5 ]
Kick him while he's down! 43%  43%  [ 9 ]
Total votes : 21


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13 Mar 2007, 5:55 pm

Prof_Pretorius wrote:
Thank you Quatermass, old chap. I've wanted to make the same point, but didn't want to appear to be an old folgey. Nice touch with the play-acting. Now if we could all speak the King's English for a change, and get our Yank friends to participate, it'd be quite pleasant.

At least good English. Dunno about King's/Queen's English (aka recieved pronounciation).

Another skit will be on the way, and an object lesson with it.

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13 Mar 2007, 6:20 pm

richie wrote:
Does any one have a problem with my Antics with Semantics?

So long as you don't take an axe to syntax. :wink:

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-Pearl Jam

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14 Mar 2007, 6:29 pm

Good morning, afternoon, evening or night. (Please choose appropriately according to timezone)

This is the second in my seminars on how not to speak or write the English language. I have with me Bernard once again, aka TehL33tDethMstr...

"Hey, how come you're allowed to speak l33t and I'm not?"

(Slaps Bernard lightly about the head.)

Quiet, you. It was your other, l33t, name, which I intend to purge you of.

Anyway, today is transcription time. I will ask young Bernard here to transcribe this quote from Dante Aligheri's Inferno...

"Dante? Is this Devil May Cry?"

No. It does have a Vergil and a Trish (or Beatrice), but it's about a fellow going, literally, through hell with the poet Virgil's ghost.

"Hmm, sounds interesting, I think, but where's the monsters and the action?"

There are monsters aplenty, but Dante and Virgil get by with the grace of God.


Normally, being an agnostic bordering on atheist, I'd agree. However, this is designed to make you think.

"I don't want to!"

If you don't think, and transcribe, big heavy f***ing book is on a collision course with your cranium!"

"AAaaaHH! oK, OK."

Alright. Transcribe the following:

But he, who was in conf'rence with my guide,
Turn'd rapid round, and thus the demon spake:
"Stay, stay thee, Scarmiglione!" ?Then to us
He added: "Further footing to your step
This rock affords not, shiver'd to the base
Of the sixth arch. ?But would you still proceed,
Up by this cavern go: not distant far,
Another rock will yield you passage safe.
Yesterday, later by five hours than now,
Twelve hundred threescore years and six had fill'd
The circuit of their course, since here the way
Was broken. ?Thitherward I straight dispatch
Certain of these my scouts, who shall espy
If any on the surface bask. ?With them
Go ye: for ye shall find them nothing fell.
Come Alichino forth," with that he cried,
"And Calcabrina, and Cagnazzo thou!
The troop of ten let Barbariccia lead.
With Libicocco Draghinazzo haste,
Fang'd Ciriatto, Grafflacane fierce,
And Farfarello, and mad Rubicant.
Search ye around the bubbling tar. ?For these,
In safety lead them, where the other crag
Uninterrupted traverses the dens."

I then: "O master! what a sight is there!
Ah! without escort, journey we alone,
Which, if thou know the way, I covet not.
Unless thy prudence fail thee, dost not mark
How they do gnarl upon us, and their scowl
Threatens us present tortures?" ?He replied:
"I charge thee fear not: let them, as they will,
Gnarl on: 't is but in token of their spite
Against the souls, who mourn in torment steep'd."

To leftward o'er the pier they turn'd; but each
Had first between his teeth prest close the tongue,
Toward their leader for a signal looking,
Which he with sound obscene triumphant gave.

I do not mind if it is transcribed into modern English, with no verse.

(15 minutes pass)

Well, Bernard...?


8U7 7eH demoN wHO w42 sPEek1N' w17H My LE4dER
7urNED rOuNd @ onCE 4nD S41d:
'E4sY Doe2 17, SC4Rm1GL1oNe!'
4Nd 7HEN 7O US: 'u K4'N7 kON71NUe Ph4R7her
down 7h12 r1dGe, PHoR 7EH S1x7h 4RcH
l1E2 8RoKEN 1N7o p1ECe2 @ 7Eh 8o77Om.
'1f U des1RE 7o KoN71nue ON,
7Hen M4KE ur w4y 4lOnG 7H12 roCkY LeDGe.
NE4r8Y'2 4No7HEr Cr4G 7H@ y1eLD2 4 p4ss4gE.
'yeS7ERD4y, @ 4 71ME PH1VE hour2 Phrom NOw,
17 W42 4 7HOUs4nD 7Wo HUNdREd S1x7Y-S1x yE4r2
s1NcE 7eH ro4d DOwn here w42 8rokEn.
'1'm SeND1n' some MeN of M1ne 4LoNg 7H@ W4Y
7O SEe 1F 4nYonE 12 ou7 7o 74Ke 7Eh 41r.
gO W17h 7hEm -- 7HEy WO'N7 Hur7 U.'
's7EP phoRw4rD, 4L1cH1no, K4LC48R1N4,'
hE Kon71NuEd, '4nD U K4GN422o,
4nd LE7 84r84R1CC14 le4D 7eH Skw4d.
'Le7 L181coCCo KomE 7oO, 4nd DR4gH1GN422o,
c1r1477o w17H H12 7USx, 4nD gR4fF14c4Ne,
pH4Rf4RElLo, 4Nd m4dC4P rU81c4N7e.
'h4Ve 4 GOoD looK 4ROUnD 7Eh 8o1L1N' GLUe.
KeeP 7HeSe 7WO s4FE 42 ph4r 42 7eh nex7 cR4G
7H@ rUn2 4LL of 4 p1eCE 48OvE 7eH den2.'
'oH, M4S7er,' 1 S41D, '1 Do'n7 L1KE Wh@ 1 SEE.
plEe2, LE7 u2 ph1Nd our w4y w17HOU7 4n ESCor7,
1f u KnOw How. 42 phoR ME, 1 do NO7 W4n7 onE.
'1F u 4Re 42 V1G1l4n7 42 EVEr,
DO'N7 u sEE 7hEY GR1Nd 7he1r 7EE7h
Wh1LE W17h 7hE1r pHUrroWeD 8rOW2 7HeY 7HRE47En h4Rm?'
4ND He 7O Me: 'DO'n7 8e 4fr41D.
LE7 7heM GR1nD ON 7O 7He1R he4R72' KOn7en7 --
7heY DO 17 pHor 7eh S7ew1n' wre7cHe2.'
OFF 7Hey sE7 4loNg 7eH LEF7-h4Nd 84Nk,
8U7 pH1rS7 E4ch PrESSeD h12 7OnGUe 8E7wEEN h12 7EE7h
7o 8LOW 4 s1gN4L 7o 7he1R le4der,
4Nd hE H4D M4De 4 7Rumpe7 oF h12 4SsHOlE.

Did I do alright?"


Please excuse me a moment.

(Sounds of censored violence, involving a large container of sulfuric acid, an enema tube, Senekot, and 1.5 metres of copper wiring.)

Here endeth the lesson. Let's hope that Bernard here will learn not to mangle Dante Aligheri. Until next time....

"Uuhhhh, why is my spleen out here...?"

((The first Dante version was one of the older ones. The second, that was l33t-mutilated, was from the Princeton Uni site here: It took ages to copy and paste every line into a l33t translator, but it was worth it for the humour.))

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15 Mar 2007, 10:55 pm

£337$p34|{ 1$ 7|-|3 |°\/\/|\|493. £337 1$ $0 ®0)()(0®$. 7074££¥ |{3\/\/£.
(leetspeak is the PWNage. Leet is so roxxors. Totally kewl.)


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15 Mar 2007, 11:04 pm

Leetspeak is not cool! It is a vile language made by people to lazy to type actual English! It encourages spelling things incorrectly and it is desecrating the English language!



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15 Mar 2007, 11:07 pm

£337 ®0)()(0®$. ß0\/\/ ß3ƒ0®3 7|-|3 90Ð 0ƒ £337.


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15 Mar 2007, 11:09 pm

May the Great Pie smite thee since thou art desecrating the language of the English speaking peoples.



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15 Mar 2007, 11:11 pm

¥0µ® 9®347 p13 1$ \/\/0®7|-|£3$$ 4941|\|$7 The Great Cat God.


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15 Mar 2007, 11:14 pm

Okay, ahayes. Next time I post a skit, you're taking the place of Bernard, aka TehL33tDethMstr. We're gonna need a fresh skull soon... :twisted:

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15 Mar 2007, 11:15 pm

Quatermass wrote:
Okay, ahayes. Next time I post a skit, you're taking the place of Bernard, aka TehL33tDethMstr. We're gonna need a fresh skull soon... :twisted:

I will smite you with my leetspeak.


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15 Mar 2007, 11:18 pm

You are wrong Ahayes. For it is leetspeak that shall be smote.



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15 Mar 2007, 11:27 pm

I've just checked the poll results. So far, no-one has voted to let Bernard free, so I'm still going to torture him. :twisted:

ahayes, you're off the hook. Now bugger off before I fire a l33t-seeking missile. :twisted:

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15 Mar 2007, 11:31 pm

Quatermass wrote:
I've just checked the poll results. So far, no-one has voted to let Bernard free, so I'm still going to torture him. :twisted:

But what are you going to do when Bernard dies? A person can only stand so much painful, and somehow funny torture you know.



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15 Mar 2007, 11:35 pm

yvan_eht_nioj wrote:
Quatermass wrote:
I've just checked the poll results. So far, no-one has voted to let Bernard free, so I'm still going to torture him. :twisted:

But what are you going to do when Bernard dies? A person can only stand so much painful, and somehow funny torture you know.

I have many blades, both exotic and common, and I have, in emergencies, a healing shiv.

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15 Mar 2007, 11:35 pm

yvan_eht_nioj wrote:
You are wrong Ahayes. For it is leetspeak that shall be smote.

L33t Missil3
L33t M1ss1l3
£33t M1$$1£3
£337 M1$$1£3
£337 |\/|1$$1£3


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15 Mar 2007, 11:39 pm

ahayes wrote:
yvan_eht_nioj wrote:
You are wrong Ahayes. For it is leetspeak that shall be smote.

L33t Missil3
L33t M1ss1l3
£33t M1$$1£3
£337 M1$$1£3
£337 |\/|1$$1£3

There is no such thing.

Cease your spamming of my topic ahayes. Immediately. This is meant for the instruction of people like you.

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