hurtloam wrote:
I hate to be that person, but I suspect this is against the forum rules. Tread carefully.
Nah not if its positive,
For example something allowed would be like saying hurtloam is great and something not allowed would be like saying hurtloam is an idiot. Now thats just an example, I am not insulting you cause I don't know you really but you get the idea. You can't insult another user or talk about banned users, thats the only thing I see in the rules about this but a mod can share some more light on this.
kraftiekortie wrote:
We have lots of good people here.
Hi does your ear itch? Cause I was going to talk about you? Might as well make it first, I think kraftiekortie is wise in most threads. I tend to make older friends actually and most are actually pretty wise. I need to listen to my older friends more, it would get me far in life. Most of my older friends I think know I am full of crap and just ignore me most days. One is my neighbour and she gets on me about most of my choices, she is like my mother away from home
Anway I went off topic, kraftiekortie I like your post.
Others people I noticed,
Kuraudo777 - I like our occasional shared interest of Final Fantasy but I can't seem to get into the older ones cause lack of being truly turn based. Some of the new ones I like though and Final Fantasy X is good if a bit annoying. You are also nice and cheerful.
Raleigh - I think your cool, I can't think of anything else to say.
ImAnAspie - You are cool too, you in the cool team.
Misery - Your long post in gaming entertains me on boring days, I find your post interesting.
Yeah thats all I can think of, I am sure there is more but there is only a handful of users I notice posting a lot to be honest.