Why "Fnord"?
Why not?
Someone once said to me, "You know so much; you could fit in anywhere!" At the time, I didn't know whether to laugh in her face or start crying. She was a guidance counselor and I had asked her for help in deciding my major.
Fast forward about a decade. I was taking a course in programming when I kept encountering a variable called "fnord". I asked the instructor why this variable was being used for strings, integers, floating point values, and array designators.
He said, "Because it's metasyntactic".
By golly! That was the first word that I'd had to look up since fifth grade! It means "something that fills in for or references other things", and that it "is used in multiple contexts and functions". That was me! I was always the stand-in, the substitute, or the jack-of-all-trades. Cool!
The fine folk at Wikipedia wrote:
The word is often used in newsgroup and hacker culture to indicate that someone is being ironic, humorous, or surreal. Often placed at the end of a statement in brackets (fnord) to make the ironic purpose clear, it is a label that may be applied to any random or surreal sentence, coercive subtext, or anything jarringly out of context (intentionally or not). It is sometimes used as a metasyntactic variable in programming.
Of course, there is also that nonsense about being associated with discord, mind-control, and conspiracy theories...