Twilightprincess wrote:
I would send you a PM, but your PMs are off. Damn!
Nice avatar, I have a medusa tattoo on my thigh (I'd post a pic, but she's not wearing any clothes).
Some of my favourite members from a while back were the AA regulars.
Some dude who would change his account regularly, only names I remember was Zak , Legoman, ZZZtired ?
Kazanscube/Longshot and all his iterations
And a few banned members who can't be mentioned for obvious reasons.
Which reminds me, the other day I was playing with my grandson in a playground and a little kid came up to me and told me I wasn't allowed the thing in my mouth because of the red sign ( I had an unlit cigarette in my mouth) , I thanked him for reminding me and thought nothing of it. About 20 minutes later there was grandmother in distress looking for her grandson , she told me he was autistic and his name was Ezra , when I asked what he was wearing she described the kid who called me out, I knew exactly where he'd be and went and found him and reunited him with his frazzled grandmother - the only kid in a massive playground of around 100 kids that spoke to me was autistic - that is all.
Another man's freedom fighter, one man's terrorist is - Yoda (probably)