reika wrote:
I do that too Netish. I also talk to myself all night long at work to keep myself on task and reminding me of all the things I still have to do. I used to have a shirt that said
"Your just jealous cause the voices are only talking to me."
Also had one that said "Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?"
You can tell alot about someone by watching their reactions to reading those 2 t-shirts.
Also, I love to say your name out loud Schmeeeple. I know thats proably spelled wrong, sorry
Haha I love the text of the second t-shirt you mentioned.
I often talk to myself when I'm alone, I guess it's 'cause everyday I do need to have some form of vocal release or I'll go crazy/depressed-ish. It's a dialogue mostly.
I remember one discussion with myself from when I was 11 (as, in class, we had to write down what we do when we're home alone for an evening), and part of it went like this, sort of:
- I want some of those mint chocolates....
• You can't have those, you know they're for guests.
- Yes but one, no one will notice if I take one? I won't have more?...PLEAAAASSSEEEEEE
• Okay fine. ONE. No more. That's it!
- Thaaank youououou
some time later
- I think i hear something...
• That's your imagination. It's just scurrying lizards on the rooftop.
- No really... what should I do? I should go get the aerosol can of deodorant!!
• I'm sure it's just mum and dad..
- I should grab this water bottle to hit them as well..
• Fine, fine, do what you must. I'm telling youuu-
(it ended up being my parents lol)
So basically I have 'me' me in my head and then I always try to have a rational view on things, which is expressed in the 'rational' me...(not split personality or anything btw, just two views I express in the form of a dialogue).
When I'm not alone the vocal release is often expressed in the form of singing... or annoying my mum by talking about my 'great' plans (always to do with food, but lately clothing as well):p