Which imagined world would you like to live in?
To tell the truth, I didn't like "Dune" series except for "God Emperor of Dune". "Dune" belongs to those few books I borrowed from library and gave back later almost not reading it.
I can't stand Dune either.
I would pick Harry Potter world, if Harry and Snape both don't egsist, and magic is used in Muggle lands to without consequences.

To tell the truth, I didn't like "Dune" series except for "God Emperor of Dune". "Dune" belongs to those few books I borrowed from library and gave back later almost not reading it.
I can't stand Dune either.
I would pick Harry Potter world, if Harry and Snape both don't egsist, and magic is used in Muggle lands to without consequences.

I am a fan of Harry Potter world as well. I was advised to borrow the first volume by librarian because she told me that book was getting more and more popular in that time (in 2001) and it's how I heard about the whole series for the first time. But to tell the truth, I didn't like this novel too much - nothing special. Later I borrowed also two next volumes but the details of all of them were mixed in my mind, I didn't remember what was happening in all of them. 4 years ago I bought the fourth volume in a second-hand bookstore. I read this book many times and decided to refresh my knowledge of other novels of the series as well. Having read all of the books that were already being published, I started to read also fanfiction (Enahma's famous "Happy days in hell" saga was one of the very first fics I ever read).
If I was a wizard, I would like to live in Harry Potter's world. Otherwise it would be just like it is now so no point to that.
I wouldn't mind living on Discworld in Ankh-Morpork, maybe join the Watch.
I also wouldn't mind living in Bartimaeus' world where anyone that learns how could summon Djinn and be a magician.
And finally I wouldn't mind living in the world Robin Hobb(Margaret Astrid Lindholm Ogden) created for The Farseer Trilogy, The Liveship Traders, and The Tawny Man. I'd live after the Tawny Man books, after dragons have been reintroduced to the world.
The world under heaven, after a long period of division, tends to unite; after a long period of union, tends to divide. This has been so since antiquity.
http://www.imdb.com/user/ur3140151/ratings = My Movie Vote History
I'd love being a witch and learning all those awesome things they teach at Hogwarts. So much better than any Muggle curriculum!
heck yeah...
Actually, I wouldn't mind living in the Eureka seveN universe. Just think of everything you could do with a refboard... the sky's the limit (literally)
"Yeah, so this one time, I tried playing poker with tarot cards... got a full house, and about four people died." ~ Unknown comedian
Happy New Year from WP's resident fortune-teller! May the cards be ever in your favor.
Fields, forests, and seas
Home planet of the gregarious Corellians, Corellia is a world renowned for its impressive shipwrights who build large, speedy, and powerful vessels. Corellia has also earned an infamous reputation for the many pirate raids carried out in nearby trade routes.
Since the inception of the Republic, Corellia has always proudly followed its own path, occasionally at the expense of the larger galactic community. It is a fiercely independent world governing a fiercely independent sector that has traditionally been inward-looking, detached from seismic political events that have reshaped the galaxy time and again.
Corellia and four other planets orbit the star of Corell in the Corellian sector. The entire system is an astrophysical curiosity, an enigmatic relic possibly left behind by an incredibly advanced ancient culture. As unlikely as it seems, all five planets are habitable, and floating between the fifth and sixth planets -- Tralus and Talus, the Double Worlds -- is an immense artifact known as Centerpoint Station. It is an unimaginably ancient device floating at the gravitic balance point between both worlds. Some xenoarchaeologists posit that Centerpoint was employed by an ancient, incredibly powerful culture to move the planets of the Corellian system into place.
Corellia is known as the "Elder Brother" of the system, serving as the administrative center not only for its "Brother planets" Drall, Selonia, Talus and Tralus, but also the entire sector. The planet is governed by a Diktat, while the sector itself was represented in the Galactic Senate by a Senator.
Corellia is a beautiful world of fields, forests and seas. Despite its age and influence in Galactic affairs, it has not become a completely urbanized city planet like Coruscant. Corellians take pride in the open expanses of razor grass fields and unpolluted sandy beaches. Their solution to urban overgrowth was in moving shipbuilding facilities off-planet. The shipyards of such monolithic companies as the Corellian Engineering Corporation are immense, producing such famous vessels as Corellian CR90 corvettes, Republic cruisers and the ubiquitous YT-series freighters.
Corellia's cluster of continents are bracketed by two huge oceans, an eastern and western one. The capital city of Coronet lies on a coastal front along the Golden Beaches, with other cities such as Bela Vistal and Tyrena. Though the planetary population has fluctuated during the decades of the Galactic Civil War, it numbered over 15 billion, with Coronet being the largest single concentration of citizenry. Scattered inland are a number of small towns and farming hamlets.
Though Coronet was a bustling city, it was filled with parks, plazas and open-air trading stalls, indicative of the Corellian love of wide open spaces. One of the most popular locales was Treasure Ship Row, an garishly eclectic bazaar filled with a complex tapestry of alien cultures.
The native species of the Corellian system -- humans, Selonians and Drall -- could be found throughout Coronet. Selonians preferred to live beneath the surface of the planet, in complex warrens and tunnels that date back to pre-Republic times. Also located beneath Corellia's soil is an ancient planetary repulsor, further evidence of the planet having been relocated by an unknown alien force in the far distant past.
The Corellian system was wealthy enough to afford its own fleet and security forces. During the time of the Republic, it handled its own law enforcement free from the involvement of the galactic government. The Corellian Security Force, or CorSec, remained largely intact even after the rise of the Empire. Even Corellian Jedi were reputed to be non-traditionalists in that most ascetic of orders.
Corellians have a cultural wariness towards big galactic government. Though one of the founding worlds of the Republic, Corellia has fostered a tradition of independence, and has, during its long history, attempted to vie for separation from the union more than once.
When Count Dooku's Separatist movement arose during the waning days of the Republic, Corellia tried to remain neutral in the conflict. Not wanting to be involved in a decisive Military Creation Act vote that would determine the future of armed conflict in the galaxy, Senator Garm Bel Iblis withdrew Corellia from the vote, and sealed up its borders, hoping to wait out the coming conflagration. His attempt at isolation failed, and before long, Corellia too was dragged into the Clone Wars that followed.
With the rise of the Empire, Corellia once again bristled under the authority of Coruscant, but did not actively join the Rebellion. The shipyards of Corellia were controlled by the Imperial starfleet, and many Corellians were drafted into Imperial service. As the sector's native military forces were dispatched throughout the galaxy to deal with the growing Rebellion, piracy bled into Corellia's borders, disrupting the valuable trade that had kept Corellia independent for so long.
Senator Garm Bel Iblis disappeared from galactic politics, waging his own private war against the Empire, while many Corellians joined the nascent Alliance. As the Rebellion began scoring increasingly larger victories against the Empire, the Corellians enacted strict isolationist measures, restricting trade and ship traffic through the region. Under such hermetic conditions, the population of the sector fomented an almost xenophobic character, encouraging a paranoid resentment towards outsiders.
With the collapse of the Empire started at the Battle of Endor, Corellia suffered as Imperial forces withdrew to shore up defenses at Coruscant and elsewhere. The Corellian Diktat, who was little more than an Imperial puppet, lost his power base and became a target of resentful Corellians. He fled to the Outlier section of Corellian sector, prompting the collapse of the Corellian government.
Into this mess stepped the New Republic, who appointed a new leader to help clean up the disarray. Governor-General Micamberlecto attempted to infuse order into a bewildering tangle of conflicting agendas. Many of the humans who prospered under Imperial rule held great disdain over the new government and the cultural aversion to outsiders created a great challenge to the New Republic's efforts.
Fourteen years after Endor, Chief of State Leia Organa Solo voyaged to Corellia for an historic trade summit, eager to work out some of sector's problems. Instead, she was drawn into a sudden flash-fire of insurrection that history would later recall as the Corellian Incident.
The Sacorran Triad, a secretive council of human, Drall and Selonian dictators based in the Corellian sector, had grown in power since the collapse of the Empire, and attempted a coup of the sector that would ensure Corellian independence. The Triad took control of Centerpoint station's immense repulsorlift technology to target distant stars for destruction, and essentially hold any system hostage lest its demands be met. This bid for independence was thwarted by the efforts of a joint New Republic and Bakuran task force, and the actions of the young Jedi siblings, Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin Solo.
In early Expanded Universe sources, the name of the Corellian homeworld was also noted as Corell and Corelli, though the name Corellia can be traced back to a set of InterGalactic Passport souvenirs printed around the time of The Empire Strikes Back.
Corellia would remain largely unexplored as a setting until a trilogy of novels published in 1995 took the heroes of the Rebellion to the system to deal with the Sacorran Triad insurrection. That series, written by Roger MacBride Allen, consisted of Ambush at Corellia, Assault at Selonia and Showdown at Centerpoint.
I won?t tell anyone else how to be
You can be yourself, but just let me be me
Last edited by Trigger11 on 01 Apr 2008, 1:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
That kind of think annoys me with books from other people. It takes so much fun out of it.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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Location: I'm under ur Jarvis' bed, turning teh tablez

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The Harry Potter would be pretty awesome--I used to do message board roleplaying in that universe all the time. (I miss those days.) I love the way the magic works.
What I think would appeal most to me would be a world that was like the Harry Potter universe...but with a distinct gothic asthetic. XD Some steampunk thrown in (gotta love that laptop), so there would be both magic and technology...add in a Tim Burtony asthetic...and also add in some elements of the Planescape universe.
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

Joined: 11 Mar 2008
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 71
Location: I'm under ur Jarvis' bed, turning teh tablez
Oh, I almost forgot. I wouldn't mind living in Sunnydale (from Buffy), Angel's Los Angeles, or on Serenity, either.
We want your homes
We want your lives
We want the things you won't allow us
We won't use guns
We won't use bombs
We'll use the one thing we've got more of - that's our minds
~Pulp, Mis-Shapes
I'd like to be 11 again and receive a letter saying I was to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I'd be the teacher's pet of Snape.
Currently Reading: Survival by Juliet E. Czerneda
Vote Kalister 2008
I am fascinated also by the world described by John Brosnan in his "The Sky Lords" trilogy. Has someone heard about it? It is devasted by so called the Gene Wars some centuries before the novels' action takes place. But the trilogy isn't finished - I have no idea if the author has any plans to write the next book of the series but the ending of the third, the last one is open and a new motive occured there that should be developed in the next novel(s).
To put a different slant on things... I think most people already live in an imaginary world of their own making, living out their lives oblivious to their own social conditioning, fulfilling roles that they were born into and educated into, conforming to what is expected by their peers, seldom questioning what life really is and what it is all about. Unhappy with their lot people then look for more fantasy worlds to inhabit.
My personal quest is to wake up from the imaginary world into whatever is the "real" world - if there is such a thing. Hell, I'll die looking.
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