Ambulances have unfortunately been one of the actors in the ongoing drama in my life w/AS!
Severe meltdowns lead my mom w/no choice but to call police who then called the ambulance. Sometimes, for extra flair, the fire-engine showed up. We should have sold tickets to recoup the cost. I do have Medicare. Once, I was strapped to a back-board. I've had the O2, blood-pressure, restraints, sedation (which had the opposite reaction with me). 3 years ago, when I was able to temporarily come out of my phobias and come out of the house, my mother began to bleed out her mouth and I had to call the ambulance. I rode up front w/the driver. This was a good trip in a way, because I was able to take charge and help my mother instead of it always being the other way around. Also, my mother was hospitalized, treated by a good doctor and came home in less than a week. I'm always fascinated with all the things they have in the bins back there. I once had to stop myself from going through them.
I can always wish I don't have to ride in one again. Last time was in March. It was a gross over-reaction on my mom's part and really could have been avoided.
D. Plainview