CityAsylum wrote:
Strapples wrote:
I will hopefully this august be going with make a wish to ring the opening bell at the NYSE.. and i can tell you one place that i refuse to go within a 0.25 mile radius of... ground zero... i want no part of it... its not upsetting to me its just i dont care enough to go into a zone that is hazardous to my health!
Well, the collapse of the towers blanketed the area for miles around Manhattan with toxic debris, so the NYSE is no safer than the site itself.
(Not meaning to rain on your parade there, Strapples

Anyway, I hope you come anyway, you could have a lot of fun here - and I could find you and give you big squishy hugs (as long as you don't wear fragrances)!

i do NOT wear any fragrance.. unscented deoderant...
are you at all squishy?
come to my site and use the contact me form and i will get you subscribed to the blog so you can get hotel info!
check out my website at {redacted by admin - domain taken over and points to a porn site}
When in doubt, ask an autistic. Chances are, they're obsessed with what you need to know.

Autism Speaks will NEVER speak for me