spudnik wrote:
That Telelatino has some stuff on after hours

but need cable for that. Bleu Nuit haven't heard of that, is it on Radio-Canada?
I don't think it would be shown here in Calgary, to many uptight conservatives

It was aired on TQS for decades. It was a classic in Quebec. As a kid, my brother used to try to sneak in the living room to see classics like Emmanuelle 5 when Bleu Nuit was on. I don't know if Bleu Nuit is still on, but there is still soft porn on TQS after 11 pm.
Here is an interesting read from the Mirror
http://www.montrealmirror.com/ARCHIVES/ ... 02/c4.html
Nocturnal emissions
>> Slow Monday’s Bleu Nuit nights are a softcore score
When you ask someone on the street to name symbols of Canadian culture, there are a few that are bound to come up. Hockey, beer, maple syrup and the loonie. When it comes to the Quebec experience, it’s hockey, beer, maple syrup and poutine. But there’s one other defining symbol unique to Quebec culture, one whose name is usually uttered in hushed tones and giggles throughout every high school and brasserie alike. That name is Bleu Nuit.
I recently had a chance to catch up with DJ Y.R.D.M. and Murad, who shared their feelings on why, once a month, they transform their regular and eclectic Slow Monday gig at Blizzarts into a “pleasantly debaucherous” evening named and inspired by this homegrown institution, the weekly Euro-softcore showcase on TQS.
“Even though it’s a French program,” explains Murad, host and promoter the almost two-year-old Slow Mondays, “it’s a place where anglophone and francophone culture meet. Since I’ve told people about my love for Bleu Nuit, everyone, French and English, has told me the same anecdote. They would be young, watching Bleu Nuit, which is in French, and they would have the remote control on the last channel so that when their parents would come in, they would quickly flash to Saturday Night Live, which is in English. Language doesn’t matter with porn and with comedy, two things that we’re providing on this night. It’s interesting and funny but it’s also kinda sexy and saucy. There are probably very few phrases in English or French—and this is also so Montreal—that are as widely recognized in this city as ‘Bleu Nuit.’ Everyone knows what it is. And there’s a good reason for it.”
On a more personal level, Murad is more than happy to share the origins of his long-time love affair with the show, which still airs around midnight on TQS. “When I first moved here seven years ago, I ended up moving to the corner of St. Jacques and butt-fuck nowhere with no friends and nothing to do. Saturday nights I would watch the Canucks on TV, call home crying, and watch Bleu Nuit. It was at least one redeeming thing about Montreal for me.” He adds, “A lot has changed since then. But the love for Bleu Nuit has never faded.”