AprilR wrote:
I'd like to think we are not actually hateful but sensitive against cruelty and injustice. Having high standards for people maybe. It's best to be apathetic and emotionless sometimes.
I will check out that station. I don't know much about the punk movement, but one of my friends who was very involved with the punk community sort of introduced me to some of the bands when i was a younger. (Sex Pistols, Rancid, Ramones?) I was more of a metalhead lol.
You could be rite about that. A lot of us have been through various $hit in our lives from our Aspergers & other issues from living in a world not designed for us. I know 1st hand that things can go aLOT better when people try to be there for each other & try to be decent human beings instead of pointing figures at everybody else & ranting & raving about how they are the victims. This site has been a godsend for lots of us including me because a lot of us want to be there for each other & help if we can since we can relate at least somewhat to having some bad luck/bad random chances with society & life circumstances. I hear about violence in the news like mass shootings & such & I wonder if that coulda all been avoided if the shooters had been treated fairly by whatever group they shot up & if they also had supports & services & real friends that were wanting to help them out with life stuff or whatever. I'm
NOT implying that anybody deserved to get shot, I'm saying the victims as well as their shooters are both victims of living in a f#ckd up world. I just want it to all be over while the planet & the plant & animal life on here can still have half a chance of survival.
OK I really should end that there because I'm suddenly making myself feel a sadness I haven't felt much in many years.
I haven't felt like being on this forum much lately. I feel like I keep reading the same stuff over & over. I sure posted in L&D aLOT over the many years I've been here & I feel like I keep talking about the same stuff I had talked about in there a while back. Even though I may make similar replies, it can require a lot of focus & time. I also feel like the members who really need to read & consider what I say, will automatically dismiss it. I start lots of replies only to give up typing them because it seems like too much effort for me to keep going on about the same stuff & they won't really matter to the people who need it the most. Maybe this is a burnout but I'm not really getting burnt out with life in general. I'm more interested in other things rite now some of which are more entertaining, at least for me even if they are tedious.
Last edited by nick007 on 17 Jul 2021, 2:19 am, edited 1 time in total.